Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Water Filtration Systems for Pure Drinking Water Right from your

By Joseph Nagy

With a huge trend of people turning towards natural health, it has been emphasized that drinking pure water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Sadly, there are over 2,100 toxins that can be in our drinking water, including chlorine, lead, chemical run-offs from large farms and corporate pollution. These toxins are found in your tap water, whether you have well water or municipal water.

The solution, for many consumers, is to purchase bottled water; however, some reports claim that bottled water really isn't all that much better for your health. The millions of plastic bottles manufactured, transported and dumped in our landfills are harmful to our environment and slowly killing our planet!

A home water filtration system would be the answer to all the above; healthier water and less damage to the environment. Many different systems are available, each with their own significant differences to be considered. Though some are very costly, they are not necessarily the best.

The reverse osmosis system is very popular today. It does a great job of removing toxins from your drinking water, but it also removes the beneficial minerals that our bodies need, like magnesium, potassium, calcium and many more.

There are water filtration systems that do not remove all toxins from your drinking water; just some. They might cost less, but are they worth it if you are still getting contaminants in your water? Check the features each system offers when comparing the price of each system.

If you are truly conscious of your health when it comes to water, think about your shower or bathing water. Heat and steam from warm water opens your skin pores for water to be absorbed into your body. You breathe the steam into your lungs. There are contaminants in water that can cause dry, itchy skin, rashes, and upper respiratory irritation. A shower water filter makes a great difference here.

You can save time and money on maintenance and replacement filters if you purchase a whole house filtration system. One system will filter all of your water, drinking water, cooking water, laundry water and bathing and showering water.

While people are very health conscious today, they are also budget conscious. Figure out how much you are spending, per unit, to purchase bottled water. Amazingly, you will find that it is pretty close to the price of gasoline! How many of these units do you drink per day, per week, per year? Keep this number in mind when you shop for your system.

An important item to consider when looking at water filtration systems is the cost of maintenance and the availability of replacement filters. The replacement filters will be rated by number of gallons of water that can pass through before they need to be replaced. Figure out the cost of the total number of filters you will need to maintain pure drinking water for a year. You will be happy to find that the cost is less than what you are paying for bottled water. Another great feature is a system that comes with easy to read, illustrated instructions for easily changing the filters.

With adequate research into water filtration systems, you should have a pretty good idea of what you want to have installed in your home. When you consider the purchase, installation and maintenance costs, compared to the cost of purchasing bottled water, also think about the convenience. You will no longer be going out to get bottled water each week; no more plastic bottles cluttering up the house and the landfills. With a whole house water filtration system, you get the added bonus of improving the quality of all your water, for better results with laundry as well as safe cooking and showering water.

Now that you have an idea of what you are looking for in a water filtration system, consider the purchase price and cost of installation. Also think about the added convenience of pure water right from your tap. No more lugging in cases of bottled water; no more contributing to the millions of plastic bottles in the landfills. If you chose a whole house water filtration system, you will have improved the quality of all your water, including bathing, showering and laundry.

There are many products available to suit your individual needs and fit your budget. Whether you just want a filter for one faucet, a shower filter, or a whole house filter, do your research to be sure you get a water filtration system you will be happy with. - 17269

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