Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 8, 2008

Weight Lifting Exercises - TRAPEZIUS

By Westy

The muscles that are referred to as the traps are actually the trapezius muscles. Simply put they are the muscles that connect your back to your neck. When you exercise your shoulders, you will be working these muscles as well. There are some exercises that you can do that will work these muscles very well. Don't be discouraged by the small amount of exercises for this area they work very well. There is some great growth that can be gained by working the muscles in this area. There are many bodybuilders who add shrugs to their workout and get a great gain in mass in this area.

The main movements that utilise the traps are the Shrug, and The Upright Row.

The Shrug

You can perform this exercise very simply with a barbell or dumbbells. You can do these exercises from a position in the back or the front.

All you will have to do is hold the weight and shrug your shoulders. That is all you have to do. Some bodybuilders will use a variation of this exercise by rolling the shoulders instead of simply lifting them up and down. All you do to do this is roll your shoulders when you are performing the shrug.

How it's done:

1. Hold your weight in front of you using an overhand grip.

2. Lift your shoulders and try and touch them to your ears.

3. Hold the movement and then lower your shoulders, repeat.

It's important to do this motion with maximum control so as to avoid straining the muscles of your neck. However, you can really get some heavy weight going as the movement is quite small. The other great exercise for developing your traps is the Upright Row. Most often performed as part of a shoulder workout, it's a great way to hit the full shoulder area while getting the traps at the same time.

How it's done:

1. You should use a wide grip if you are going to be giving the traps a greater intensity.

2. You should hold the bar in front near to your thighs

3. Lift the bar up to the chin

4. Hold the movement, lower the bar, repeat.

It's important to keep you elbows high so they are higher than the bar throughought the movement. These 2 exercises, combined with some solid shoulder exercises and back workouts will help you develop the stronger neck and traps muscles you've been looking for. - 17269

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