Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, January 23, 2009

Getting Rid Of Your Acne Problem

By Lucy Collins

Solving your acne problems may not be as hard as you might think. You just might not have tried the right solutions yet.

Acne is a common problem among people young and old that has affected billions of people all around the world, at some time during their lives. Getting rid of it isn't actually as complicated as many people make it out to be, however. You just need to find the right solution that will work for you.

The first major mistake which 99% of sufferers make, is that they immediately start touching as soon as they see a pimple. This should be avoided at all costs because the dirt, germs and bacteria on your hands are guaranteed to make the problem worse. At best, continually touching a pimple will simply cause that one pimple to spread so whatever you do, leave it alone.

As I've mentioned already, do not attempt to squeeze a pimple because if you pop it, the germs within the pimple together with dirt on your hands, will result is a chain reaction and before you know it, you'll be dealing with a whole bunch of new pimples.

Getting rid of acne can be as easy as just washing your face! If you wash your face daily, either with a moisturizing soap, or a acne treatment soap, you will be working towards cleaning your pres and getting all of that dirt and grease out, and you will be preventing any further breakouts! Make sure you just use mild type soap, something that is not going to be too harsh on your skin!

For those sufferers who are adamant that they require some form of over the counter medication, I would recommend something such as Benzoyl Peroxide. The reason this does help is simply because it assists in removing dead skin cells which in turn makes it easier to remove dirt and grease from your skin pores. More often than not you'll find some acne treatment lotions contain Benzoyl Peroxide and these lotions can be applied to your face at least once each day.

You should stay away from oily skin products such as many makeups. Some makeups are terrible for acne and can cause serious breakouts over a short period of time. There are oil free makeups made for people with acne prone skin that you should use.

They say a person's body is only as good as the food that person eats and this is especially true for acne sufferers. In fact, if your diet consists largely of fast foods or other greasy foods with a high fat content, then that could well be the reason you have acne in the first place. Be kind to your skin as well as the rest of your body by eating healthy foods.

Getting rid of acne can be quite simple if you take some this advice and test it out. Remember, some treatments might work for you, some might not, it is all about hit and miss! Keep your hands off of your face, clean your face, and eat right! - 17269

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