Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Shocking Truth About Prostate Vitamins

By Gerome Plunk

Perhaps prostate cancer has never occurred to you, even though you're in the right age demographic. On the other hand, perhaps you are one of the growing number of men who take prostate vitamins by the handful " anything rather than see your family doctor for that dreaded examination. Either way, you might want to check the internet " but be prepared for surprising contradictions about the benefits of vitamins as a cancer preventive.

And then again, perhaps your eye will be caught by lurid headlines claiming studies have proven prostate vitamins actually cause cancer.

Where to turn for the simple truth?

I checked the original study report, and discovered that certain members of the media have once again been playing their favorite game " twisting facts and taking them out of context. Going over the report with a fine tooth comb showed that the risk of cancer increased in just over 11% of 1,476 cancer-stricken subjects. This was cited as being directly related to ignoring safe dosage recommendations for prostate vitamins in the mistaken belief that more is better.

Beware Of Unexpected Side Effects

Karla A. Lawson, who directed the study, concluded that "the relationship between multivitamin use and prostate cancer is unclear", minimizing a connection between vitamins and early prostate cancer. However, she did amend that by documenting the suspicious rise in aggressive cancer among those males who overused supplements and vitamins.

If you fear prostate cancer, either because of your age and symptoms, or perhaps because of a family history, you may be tempted to take massive (or even as little as double) doses of prostate vitamins as a 'preventive' measure. Lawsons results strongly suggest this may not be wise.

The truth is, its not a good idea to overdo any health regime. Moderation should be the key " and dosing oneself without guidance can actually cause serious harm in that it can trick you into thinking you don't need that doctors checkup.

Lets look at the accepted ways of maintaining health as we grow older. Nothing new and exciting here, and some healthy habits may have no effect at all whether or not you are one of the unlucky people who develop cancer " but one habit you should stick to at all costs!

# Eat the optimum diet for your health conditions. Guidelines are easy enough to research, these days.

# Exercise

# Get lots of rest

* Develop the habit of choosing a optimistic, positive outlook

# Take whatever prostate vitamins your doctor recommends (but never in a dose exceeding the recommended maximum - not even by a single pill.)

* And that last, important tip " if you are over 50, do get your prostate gland checked out by your family physician regularly. Its a simple examination " and it may save more than your life! - 17269

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