Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rare Exotic Berry Provides Secret to Health and Longevity

By Marcus C. Evans

People today have to work very hard to look great and stay fit and healthy. We are exposed daily to toxins that weren't around just a generation ago, and we deal with the stresses of modern life that were unknown to our predecessors. Staying healthy in these circumstances can be an uphill battle.

This is why it might be a little strange that the solution to such new problems is actually one that has been used for thousands of years! The acai berry is a fruit that is found in the Amazon rain forest, and it has long been revered for its beneficial aspects by the people of the area. Now the world at large is waking up to the benefits that this berry offers, so make sure that you don't miss out.

The first thing that you should realize is that the acai berry is chock-full of antioxidants. When free radicals are released in your body, they can do all sorts of damage, ranging from premature aging to even promoting certain types of cancer.

The acai berry has several times the antioxidants in blueberries. In addition to its astoundingly high antioxidant content, the acai berry is a rich source of essential fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6. These heart-healthy fatty acids are similar to fats found in olive oil. The acai berry is also high in protein-building amino acids. Each of these nutritional factors works in tandem to make the acai berry a superpower for safeguarding human health and promoting optimal longevity.

You might be surprised to learn that the acai berry is an excellent aid to digestive health. First of all, it has often been used to suppress the appetite. The acai berry can help you avoid what seems like inevitable failure of a diet when hunger pains flare up. Because of its relatively low glycemic index, the acai berry fills you up and staves off hunger. The acai berry tastes great; an added benefit if you can't stomach the thought of bland, tasteless, or horrible tasting diet food. Try the acai berry for a great-tasting natural diet aid that is sure to get you results.

When combined with a sensible diet and exercise program, the acai berry can help you achieve phenomenal results. As a digestive aid, it helps you process food more efficiently, maximizing your nutritional benefits from a healthy diet.

Failure of the body to effectively digest food promotes lack of energy, fat absorption, and weight gain. The acai berry promotes healthy digestion to prevent you from piling on the pounds.

The bottom line is that all over Australia, people seeking to improve their health find that the acai berry makes a drastic difference in their quality of life. Give the acai berry a try. A delicious addition to smoothies, shakes, or as a dietary supplement, the acai berry is a miracle food that can help you achieve the results you want. - 17269

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