Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Feed Your Muscles and Starve Your Fat

By Victoria Jamison

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, one of the most difficult things to do is eat so you lose fat without shedding muscle. There are a few things you can do to help make this possible.

Eat More Than You Think You Should

I know, you think I'm crazy. How can you lose weight by adding more food. I should be more specific. Eat more often, not necessarily more food. It's very important to give your body protein periodically throughout the day.

When you go for a long period of time, your body kind of freaks out. The next time you eat, your body will think that meals are going to come few and far between, so it will store whatever it can from that meal as fat.

It's extremely important to keep your blood sugar levels .. well, level. When they fluctuate up and down, it's nearly impossible to lose fat. When you go for an extended amount of time without food, your blood sugar level drops dramatically.

Eating a giant meal (even a healthy one) will put a huge strain on your body and cause it to rush through the digestion process. When your body isn't running as efficiently, it isn't going to get everything it should out of each meal. This will cause your body to crave more food sooner than you should. I suggest you eat every 2 to 4 hours.

Clean and Lean Food

When you eat processed simple carbohydrates you cause a huge jump in your bodies insulin levels. Try to avoid foods made with white flour and sugar. Instead eat proteins that are very lean and complex carbohydrates from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Break Off the Love Affair with Sugar.

If you're not care, you'll consume more sugar than you thought you were. Why? It's hidden with all these fancy names. The next time you're doing an ingredient check, look for things like glucose, sorbitol and even lactose. They're all types of sugar.

Water, Water and more Water

You're probably sick of hearing about water, but it really is God's perfect thirst quencher. I know the people at Gatorade don't like to hear that, but water does a great job. It will also help build muscle and burn fat. If you're drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, you're doing a lot to help your body run more efficiently. This will result in better health and a leaner body.

Be Pro Protein

Get plenty of lean protein from chicken, fish, and lean beef every day. It can be hard to eat enough through out the day so you can add peanut butter, and use protein supplements if needed. By adding plenty of protein, you are keeping your body from using its own muscle for energy and allowing you metabolism to burn at a higher rate.

Rotate Carb Amounts

You can control and adjust your insulin levels by keeping your carb content low for a couple of days at a time. Then boost them back up again to keep your body from going too far in the opposite direction. This will help accelerate your fat loss and not cause you to go carb crazy. If you're going just 2 days without, you can push through and make it. It's not like when you go on an extremely low carb diet for weeks on end.

If you have been struggling with weight loss and desire to lose fat fast then look at your carb intake and consider using "carb rotation". Soon, you'll see the results you've been seeking. - 17269

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