Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How to Detoxify Your Body With Foods

By Kym Butterworth

Although detox types, lengths and strengths vary, a detox can remove poisonous chemicals, residues and toxins from your body when done properly and constantly. In her book "The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet, Ann Louise Gittleman takes readers through an 11-day detox plan. She instructs her readers to eat specific foods for 7 days, followed by a one-day fast. Readers are then introduced to particular detox foods.

When fasting, detoxers should note that drinking a tasty, spiced miracle juice can help prevent hunger pangs, boost metabolism, steady blood sugar levels and flush harmful toxins out of the bodys system. This spiced drink includes cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, cranberry, lemon juice and orange juice.

A century ago we didn't experience exposure to these toxic substances and chemicals. These synthetic chemicals didn't even exist prior to the industrial age. Now all of us experience exposure to toxins in skin products such as cleansers and cosmetics, even tap water and the water we bathe in. It's difficult to gauge the proficiency of a detoxifying agent to counteract these toxins.

The pollutants accumulate in your system and can make weight loss more difficult, as well as create lethargy, asthma, allergic reactions, and faster aging. The root of the dandelion and the milk thistle are two effective ingredients in most detoxification beverages.

Learning how to detox your body does wonders for your system by allowing your organs to function better. When you detox, whatever you eat gets processed that much easier. Health advisors encourage a one week diet of raw fruits and plants, which, when supplemented with vitamins and green tea, can go a long way toward the detoxification of your body.

Your system is able to rid itself of toxic substances when you feed it only basic, easily digested foods. A burger takes several hours for digestion to complete, while an apple takes only twenty minutes. Our raw food detox protocol is a week long detoxifying diet that focuses on easing the workload of your liver and colon.

There are lots of things you can do to help with your diet plan, things like books, kits, tablets as well as giving great instructions how to diet. you should always consult your doctor when ready.

When it comes to doing a detox, the sooner the better is definitely the way to go. Common side effects of doing a detox include headaches (from eliminating caffeine), getting a rash or other breakout, and feeling lethargic. These can be caused by toxins stored in your fat being released into the bloodstream. What will happen as you detox may be a bit unpredictable, but once the process is complete you will feel great. - 17269

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