Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Little Bit of Fish Oil Could Go A Long Way For Meghan McCain

By Dr. Bill

I received three video clips from a friend of mine yesterday, one showcasing Meghan McCain's appearance on the talk show "The View." At first, I could not remember exactly who she was, but then it dawned on me.

It dawned on me that her father is Senator John McCain, recent Republican candidate for president. As his daughter, she is convinced that she is valuable to the future of the party. There are certainly many differing opinions on this, so her appearance on the "The View" was an opportunity to promote her politics, which include something she calls "moderate republicanism." I have to say that I don't understand the concept at all.

Ms. McCain got into a verbal tussle with the ultra-conservative Ann Coulter, the upshot of which involved McCain telling Coulter that she could basically put her political message out to pasture. (And I am cleaning up the language and tone a bit here.) Coulter held her own and was joined in solidarity against McCain by Laura Ingraham, a talk show host. The battle got heated, and McCain accused Ingraham of calling her "plus-sized," which is personally insulting to McCain, but I don't see where it fits in politically.

I have heard Laura Ingraham previously and I think her insult towards McCain was meant to kill two birds with one stone. It seemed to me that she wanted to show solidarity with Coulter's politics and she wanted to score points by calling out McCain for being fat. Despite all the negativity, I enjoyed Ingraham and Coulter more than I did McCain -- they just looked to be at the top of their game: funny and smart, rather than (I hate to say it) boring.

As far as size goes, McCain is comparable with everyone on the panel at "The View" except Elisabeth what's-her-name. And I don't mean that as a compliment. A few weeks ago Jay Leno had called Joy Behar "fat," on his own show, along with a few other choice insults. McCain, while on "The View" stood up for herself by telling everyone that they could just kiss her fat a%* -- which is exactly that same thing that Tyra Banks did when confronted with the media calling her fat.

Looking back at her father's campaign last fall, I have to say that I don't remember Meghan McCain at all. But it now seems that she believes that the successful future of the Republican Party is her responsibility. Take a look at her blog and you'll see what I mean. And after viewing the clip from "The View" we can safely say that she is like her father in at least one way: her temper.

Maybe she can run for his seat in Arizona soon. But she better invest in some fish oil, first.

My suggestion that Ms. McCain take fish oil has to do with recent behavioral studies that show fish oil can be very beneficial for the mind, with some studies pinpointing that fish oil can be helpful in decreasing occurrences of anger or violence in those that take the supplement.

I recall a couple of British studies that showed that "hooliganism" (a lovely British term) rates among young adults dropped considerably, when fish oil was added to their diet.

What I am suggesting is that maybe the young Miss McCain might not have been so quick to drop the hammer and insults, had she been taking Dr. Bill's Powerhouse Omega Formula. It's just possible that the omega-3 fatty acids might have facilitated a better choice of response. Clearer, more precise thought processes...are just one of the many benefits enjoyed by those who take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, on a daily basis. That's one reason why I do, myself.

One other thing...to be young, fat, and proud... is NOT a good thing, whether you're Tyra Banks, or Meghan McCain. I'll guarantee you one thing... within 24 hours of either of them telling a national audience they could kiss their fat a$$, they both went on some kind of diet, which is part of their problem to begin with.

If they just followed my advice: good food, moderate consistent exercise, proper rest, and a daily dose of pharmaceutical grade fish oil, things might go a little better for them. And their behind wouldn't be on the frontburner. - 17269

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