Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Weight Loss 101

By Jay Bonaretti

Its time to get on top of weight loss. There are so many conflicting approaches out there, so no wonder so many people (probably yourself included) is confused about how to shed that weight for good. Well, lets go through some basic ideas behind weight loss and how begin getting in shape NOW.

The first problem is the dieting industry. Have you tried every diet under the sun with no avail? If thats you (and I know there are plenty of people falling under this category), then do yourself a favour and do not try another one. They are all the same and will all yield the same result - sudden weight loss and then rapid weight gain thereafter.

The diet equivalent within the exercise machine industry is the products you see advertised on the television. Short-term, quick fix results that promise flat abs and toned thighs. Trust me, the models on the ad have probably never used the machine before in their life (nor will they in the future). These products generally have no/little scientific backing and are a complete waste of time and effort. Give them a miss!

Please, avoid diet pills. They are costly and promise the world yet again deliver very little. Sure, the advertisements seem great...but consider the reality of the situation - they are a seemingly easy way out whereby no effort is required on your part, but massive results are obtained. Seriously, do you believe that hype?

Okay so now that I've knocked out all the hype and bogus products on the market...what do you do? Change your lifestyle!

For starters, exercise is a key ingredient to maximum weight loss. Yes, this is common sense, but many people avoid exercise like the plague.

Now by exercise, I do not mean Biggest Loser Style. This is extreme and definitely not suitable for the majority of people. Instead, begin by doing something extra every day that you have not done recently. This could be as simple as a 20 minute walk. You could join a sports club, or go to the gym. Whatever you enjoy.

Dietary intake, as I am sure you would be aware, is very important. So, watch what you eat. You know the drill, eat a variety of foods that are healthy. But to lose weight, you just need to take in less kilojoules than what you presently consume. So try making your portion sizes smaller as a start.

And now for the final thought. Integrating a healthy food intake and physical movement into your daily routine will prime your body for weight loss by encouraging a calorie deficit. It is not rocket science. You need to find something that you can adhere to in order to make big sustainable results. - 17269

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