Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Flatter Abs - Eat Wisely

By Dan Solaris

A huge portion of the populations in the U.S. and the rest of the western world are suffering from obesity and oversized bellies. We can all point accusing fingers at the hectic and unhealthy lifestyles we have. Technology has allowed the food industries to efficiently flood the market with calorie-rich delicious food that's available to us in a snap.

The most common mistake dieters make is to try to lose weight and get flatter abs by drastically changing their eating habits, trying to cut down calorie intake. Although this method will initially result in weight-loss, not all of it can be attributed to lost body fat.

The human body has an energy conservation feature that actually works against fat-loss when we cut back on food intake by skipping meals. Out metabolism slows down considerably when our body senses there's no food coming in and this means lesser calories burned from fat. Worse, glycogen stores are used-up in place of body fat for energy resulting in lost muscle tissue.

Loss of muscle tissue will inhibit the body's calorie-burning capabilities and this will deter efforts at fat-loss and flatter abs, of course. Muscles actually burn calories just being there unlike fat which only serves to cover-up the contours of the abdominal muscle.

Muscle tissue is also denser than fat- this means it's heavier per volume. Losing muscle as a result of cutting back on food intake can be deceiving because it will seem like you've lost weight from body fat.

Choosing the foods where your calorie intake comes from will yield better results than trying to lose weight by letting going hungry. A diet rich in fiber and folic acid from fruits and vegetables as well as the right amounts of protein and even fat is effective in maintaining a proper metabolism and flatter abs.

Replacing candy and chips with healthier nuts and fruit will let you lose weight without having to eat less. Exercises geared towards fast body fat burn can help even more in paving the way for overweight people to get flatter abs.

Augmenting aerobic workouts with resistance training can also develop skeletal muscle as well as help burn fat faster. Aside from giving you a sexier physique, building muscles will heighten the body's metabolic rate- making it easier to fry calories, fight flab and get flatter abs. - 17269

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