Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Benefits of drinking water:Discover how water improves your health

By Nicos Stylianou

In a very interesting book named "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" that I recently read and highly recommend, the author gives an astounding presentation of the many benefits of drinking water.

As the author of the book says, the importance of drinking water is very crucial for our health. To prove his point, he mentions examples of some common ailments and shows, using medical terms, that the underlying cause for these ailments is the fact that we don't drink enough water. I show you some of the examples right below:


You should agree with me that some of the most common ailments that millions of people get afflicted with on a daily basis, are headaches and migraines. Most of the times, the underlying cause is very simple: You skipped on drinking adequate quantity of water.

The biological process of a headache is this: When we don't replenish the water in our bodies by not drinking enough of it, our brain, which itself is 75% water, releases histamines. The creation of these chemical substances in turn cause pain and feeling of tiredness, the common symptoms of headaches. In turn, this makes us slow down our activities. In this way, the level of water in our brain is preserved at a minimum level, allowing our brain to function properly.

Most of the times, a big glass of pure water and a 20 minute break will work better than any pain killer medication to make our headache go away!

Sore Back

According to statistics, one out of four adults experiences at least once in his lifetime the pain and distress associated with a sore back. As the author claims in his book, another one of the benefits of drinking water is that it helps mitigate our suffering.

Permit me to be more clear on what I mean.

The discs which our back consists of, have a hard external surface while inside they are filled with water. Provided that the quantity of the water is maintained at an adequate level, then the discs are performing their function well. This meaning that they are robust enough to help our backbone support the weight of our body.

Being flexible, our discs respond to the varying pressure exerted on them when we move our upper body, by shifting their shape. When they do this, water that stands around in our body is sucked inside the discs. As long as there is enough water around, then our discs have no problem, as they are properly filled with fluid.

As you realize, when the fluid levels (especially water) in our body are low, then there is not enough to keep the discs properly hydrated. So, most of the weight load of our body is shifted on the outer disc shells. Most of you have experienced the results on your back or neck: Pain, swelling and soreness occurs.


Water also plays a vital role in the biological process associated with high blood pressure.

According to medical science, high blood pressure very often happens when our body detects blood volume loss. Since our blood is more than 83% water, then the most common cause of blood volume loss is water deprivation.

Our body's internal mechanisms have the ability to monitor the level of our blood volume. When there is an alert that this volume has fallen below acceptable limits, then our body switches into an emergency mode, directing supply of blood only to vital organs switching everything else off. This redistribution of the circulatory system more often than not leads to high blood pressure.

In conclusion, these are only a few of the examples that clearly demonstrate that by drinking enough quantities of water can dramatically improve your health.

Having said the above, I can't emphasize enough the importance of making sure that the quality of water that you and your family consume at your house, is of the best possible quality. You see, it is not at all guaranteed that the water you get now is what your body should be getting. There are numerous statistics saying that both tap and bottled water maybe of questionable quality. Make sure that you thoroughly investigate your options on what actions to take to have clean, healthy water at your home. - 17269

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