Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, May 29, 2009

Optimizing Your Nutrition Program - Tips and Strategies

By Marcus J. Dawson

A solid nutrition program, backed with knowledge on nutrition, is necessary for any serious bodybuilder. Many uninformed bodybuilders go to great lengths on their training and are often met with disastrous results. Stressed and fatigued bodies are the only outcome of wrong nutritional beliefs and practices. All a bodybuilder has to do to avoid this is to arm himself with basic knowledge on nutrition and practice it. Following a good nutritional program designed for an individual is just a matter of recording his food and caloric intake and matching it up against his recommended nutritional needs.

The book "Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete" states that an exclusive high-protein diet negatively affects an athlete's training and career. Catherine Jackson, the book's author, explains that eating purely protein for a prolonged period often causes irritability and lowers stamina. This can be remedied by initially consuming adequate amounts of calories. Below are some warning signs indicating that you might have poor nutrition and some tips on how to get back on track.

Get enough protein from a variety of sources - Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and so a low level of it will lead to decreased strength. Make sure to get proper amounts of protein in your diet. It would be ideal if you were getting your supply of protein from a variety of sources. Foods rich in protein are meat, chicken, egg, milk and soya - based products.

Moodiness or irritability - irritability is often the result of low blood sugar which means you might not be getting enough carbohydrates in your diet. Maintain healthy blood sugar levels by eating whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the day, combined with protein to slow down blood sugar absorption. Not eating enough carbs can also affect your ability to concentrate and focus during your weight training routine, so eat healthy carbs at regular intervals throughout the day to optimize your results.

Increase in sickness - Being sick all the time is a sign that your immune system is weakened. Combat this by incorporating different food groups into your diet. Consume foods that are high in B vitamins and minerals such as milk, fish and soybeans.

Decreased speed - if you've been focused on increasing endurance but can't get past your usual times on the treadmill or during your sprint sessions, you may not be fueling up properly before your workout. Some athletes don't eat anything for 2-3 hours before their workout, but if you're looking for ways to increase energy for speed training, you'll need to eat some type of carbohydrate at least 1 hour before your training session.

Lack of motivation - losing interest in working out is a surefire sign that you're not eating enough and getting enough rest. Make sure you're eating small meals throughout the day to maintain a steady level of energy; successful athletes typically consume a small 'meal' every 2-3 hours to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and sustain themselves through a training program. - 17269

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