Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, May 29, 2009

Optimizing Your Nutrition Program - Tips and Strategies

By Marcus J. Dawson

The types of foods you eat and when you eat them are essential for bodybuilding success, but very few athletes really understand what it takes to maintain a healthy nutrition program. Bodybuilders involved in competition often resort to extreme weight loss that leaves them stressed, fatigued and incapable of increasing muscle size and strength later in their careers. You can avoid falling into the trap of a poor nutrition program by maintaining a log of your food and caloric intake, and making sure you follow the key nutritional guidelines for bodybuilders in training.

Catherine Jackson, author of the book "Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete"explains that following a very strict, high-protein diet often leads to irritability and decreased endurance. Avoid the pitfalls of a poor diet by eating enough calories and selecting the right foods. You can avoid the pitfalls of poor nutrition by making sure you're not experiencing any of the following throughout your training program:

Decreased strength - too little protein often results in decreased strength, which can make it very difficult to maintain a consistent workout program. Eating the right types of protein, and not relying solely on protein powders and protein bars to meet your daily requirements is essential for good health; eat lean proteins such as chicken, tofu and egg whites to make sure you're getting enough of this nutrient in your daily diet.

Being moody and irritable -A moody and irritable athlete won't be able to focus during training. Moodiness and Irritability is actually brought about by low blood sugar. This can be interpreted as a sign that you're not eating enough carbohydrates. If this is the case then you can stabilize your blood sugar level by eating small amounts of fruits, vegetables and whole grains throughout the day. Don't forget about protein as it also reduces your blood sugar absorption rate.

Increase in sickness - Being sick all the time is a sign that your immune system is weakened. Combat this by incorporating different food groups into your diet. Consume foods that are high in B vitamins and minerals such as milk, fish and soybeans.

Eat something before training - A lot of people starve themselves before training. This practice is actually counter productive since you'll mostly run out of energy in the middle of training. Eat just a small amount of carbohydrate 1 hour before training. This will give you the fuel you need especially if you are training for speed.

Eat right and rest - Lack of motivation is a sign of burnout. Give your body enough time for rest. Not eating right can also cause stress to your body. Experts suggest that we eat several small meals distributed over the day instead of a few heavy meals. Eating heavy will make your body work harder to digest all those food. This will also lead to an unstable energy level. Professional athletes are commonly known to eat mini-meals every 2 to 3 hours. This helps in maintaining a stable blood sugar level needed for training. - 17269

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