Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, June 1, 2009

Do you ever think that you may have gout?

By Paul Mahon

Gout is uniquely known in the medical world as one of the most regularly recorded medical disease throughout history. It is frequently related to hereditary abnormality in the ability of a person's body to excrete uric acid.

Your kidneys work very hard removing items from your body that can cause illness and even poison your body from the inside. If you don't take care of your kidneys by doing things such as drinking 8 glasses of water a day to help flush toxins from your body then there is always the chance that they won't be able to remove as much uric acid from your system as they should.

Not everyone with increased levels of uric acid in their blood stream will develop gout, but if you find your blood contains eleveated levels then it is a good reason to start taking precautions to reduce it. At it's worst increased uric acid can lead to kidney stones and even kidney failure, as well as gout.

Gout attacks are partly caused by your body trying to protect itself, it sees the uric acid crystals as an invader and white blood cells are sent out to put a safety envelope around the crystals. This is when the pain starts.

Gout usually attacks men over the age of 21, this may be partly due to the increased alcohol intake that starts after than age. Although middle age and later is when most men will start to suffer with gout, most likely due to the increase in obesity and the fact that people tend to stop watching what they eat after a certain age.

Elevated uric acid in your blood doesn't automatically equal gout attacks, in fact Dr's have not been able to link the two unequivocably, it is howver definitely a warning point. If you have pains in your toe joints, inflamation and swelling and then a blood test finds elevated uric acid then it is safe to say that you probably have gout. - 17269

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