Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, June 5, 2009

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast - Langhorne Personal Trainer Teaches About Oxygen Debt

By Jose Loni

Losing belly fat fast through exercise is the most effective way to get ripped abs. Utilizing exercises that cause oxygen deficiency can be achieved by having a regular scheduled exercise program, increasing exercise intensity and using interval training.

When the body is training in a decreased oxygen level, the oxygen debt that results causes the muscles to increase its metabolic activity. The increased levels of carbon dioxide and lactic acid cause the muscles to require oxygen, so the body will increase its metabolic activity and bring oxygen to nourish and repair muscle tissue as well as clear away carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

Having a regular routine of exercise is key to losing belly fat fast. Consistency, will allow the body to become more efficient at providing enough fuel to the increased muscle activity. The body will search for excess fat and break it down to provide more fuel for the increased muscle activity.

With increased metabolism, the body is better able to sustain its fat burning and providing oxygen to the muscles, which can take up to many hours after the exercise session. The result being, the body becomes more proficient at burning excess fat for a prolonged period.

Higher intensity during exercise increases the activity in the muscles causing an anaerobic situation in the muscles. The heart rate target zone is a way to monitor exercise intensity and help increase the body's overall metabolism.

Training with interval exercises really jump-starts the metabolic activity of the body. The quick intense exercise followed by a rest period causes more oxygen to go to the muscles to nourish, repair and clear waste products within the muscles.

When we increase the physical demands on our muscles, we force our body to adapt by increasing its metabolism. The overall fat burning that occurs supplies energy and nutrients to the muscles, which results in losing belly fat and the body becomes more efficient

Through energy system work, we are better able to lose belly fat fast. The anaerobic training which is composed of a regular exercise schedule of activities that are higher intensity and incorporate interval training, have the fastest results in losing belly fat. - 17269

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