Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tonalin CLA Fights Belly Fat

By Jane Moore

Tonalin CLA supplements are getting some positive reviews these days from a number of reputable sources. I struggle with an extra 10 or 15 pounds and I need some sort of outside help to get me on the right track. In the event that CLA doesn't work for me then I have lost nothing because there are no known side effects and the cost of a one or two month supply is fairly minimal. It's enough to get me interested in trying them for a month or two.

I am suitably impressed with what I have read so far on CLA. The two most compelling research reports have come from two well known universities in North America. One university is American and is located in the heartland of Wisconsin. The other university is the University of Guelph and it is located in Ontario. Both of these professionally designed, managed and controlled studies claim that Tonalin CLA can really help overweight people lose weight and maintain their weight loss regimes after they stop dieting.

The Canadian scientific study was conducted first. It was an eight week study and used 60 individual over weight adult people as subjects in the study. Thirty people took a CLA pill everyday while the other thirty people took a placebo pill. The study was conducted in November and December and was particularly interested in monitoring the weight gain or loss if any over the Christmas holidays. The result was astounding. The CLA group lost weight in the weeks leading up to the holidays and didn't gain any weight over the holidays. The placebo group gained a bit of weight leading up to the holidays and then gained weight even more rapidly over the holidays.

Impressed by what they heard out of Canada, a group of researchers from the University of Wisconsin tried to repeat the Canadian results and were entirely successful. The American study used forty overweight adults and they studied them for six months including the 8 weeks used in the Canadian study. The participants in the American study also claimed to have lost fat from their belly region when they took daily a CLA pill. The cardiovascular experts were delighted with this extra result as belly fat can lead to heart disease which is a deadly threat to their patients.

Both the Canadian and American studies made sure that all of the subjects had the same amount of daily exercise. The studies also made sure that all of the participating subjects consumed approximately the same amount of calories per day. By controlling diet and exercise, the scientist could make sure that it was the CLA pill that was responsible for any changes.

The fact that these two studies were performed by professionals at respectable North American Universities makes me think that the studies are solid. I have nothing to lose by trying this natural supplement. I am going to try Tonalin CLA and continue with my regular exercise and diet. - 17269

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