Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Five Mistakes People Make Due To Fat Loss

By Tomuse Gospuse

Right to the point, there are five different mistakes people do due to fat loss. I watch men and women do this everyday. Make sure you aren't doing these mistakes and you will burn fat.

1. No social support

Trying to lose fat without any social support from your friends, family, trainer, etc. is not the way to go. Research has proved that with social support you will most likely be successful in burning fat. Concentrate on two people out of your social support that has be successful as well.

2. Not having a program to keep you on track

How do you approach the gym? Do you walk in thinking about where to start and what you are going to do today? You are wasting your time. A plan needs to be made so that you know what you are going to work on. Stay with the plan, now whenever you enter the gym you know exactly what is going to be done.

3. Staying with the same workout for more than 4 weeks

The longest you should stay with the same workout program is 4 weeks. Don't stay with a workout program longer than 4 weeks especially if you have not received the results you want. Change it up a bit frequently so that you will get great results and have more fun at the gym.

4. Not taking it into consideration that nutrition is a big part to losing fat as well

What you eat is a big factor to losing fat as well as training. Going to the gym working out like an animal will do no good if you go home and eat junk. Doing so won't get you any results in fat loss. The food you eat is as important as your exercises. Put natural healthy foods in you stomach, 6 medium meals a day. Get a bunch of protein, fiber and vegetables in your system daily. Eat good fats, don't touch trans fat and try to drink a gallon of water a day. Simple and effective.

5. Not understanding their limit

I always get asked by people if adding more lifting and cardio to their workout is good, no it isn't. People get this crazy idea that if they add more cardio and lifting to their training it would be even better for them. Doing so is not advised.

Your body will breakdown to quickly from working out so much at once. Training to much and on a low calorie diet don't go well together. This type of training will not make your engine run better or more efficiently.

Focus on your workout in quality not quantity. For many reasons stick to high quality nutrition and high quality training. The only thing that really matters is the results, not sore muscles or being exhausted after each workout, and not feeling like your lacking food. It is all about quality work and quality food for a better healthier body. - 17269

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