Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How To Kill Your Muscle Gain In Sixty Seconds

By Ricardo d Argence

To achieve success when you're working out in the gym is a matter of seconds. That's true! In the same way a fraction of a second during a 100 metre dash will make or break a sprinter's race, that fraction determines muscle building success or failure and determines also your body's muscle growth.

That's right, your workout session maybe lasts for about an hour, but there's a small fraction of time in your session that really matters and that's something you have to know in order to achieve the best results. How you handle that seconds would mean poor, mediocre or great results.

You see, every individual set that you perform in the gym is ultimately being performed for the benefits that will be achieved on the last 1-2 reps. Muscles respond to stress, and the only truly stressful reps that actually trigger your body's muscle building mechanisms are those at the end of each set when the body is on the brink of muscular failure.

If a given set consists of 6 reps, then reps 1-4 are only performed in order to get to reps 5 and 6. Reps 1-4 will do very little in terms of stimulating muscular growth, but are necessary to perform in order to overload the muscles on reps 5 and 6.

In other words, it is only the very last 1-2 reps that will ultimately yield a muscle building response from the body. The longer you can push yourself to battle the weights during this small time frame at the end of each set, the greater results you will achieve.

The best way to trigger your body's adaptive responses is training until your muscles cannot move the weight another inch. Drop the weight some seconds before the guy next to you and you will see the difference between his and your muscles after some weeks.

Let's do some math. If you perform 10 sets per workout, and have a margin of 6 seconds between success/failure per set, then it means that the way you handle that 60 seconds could mean a significant muscular growth...or a total waste of time.

Then, your succes in the bodybuilding process is measured by the short moments at the end of every single set you perform in the gym.

As long as you can force yourself to train to all out muscular failure, you'll see the best possible results. If you drop the weight 3 or 10 seconds before muscular failure, it will mean a great difference in muscular growth terms.

Training your muscles to muscular failure is the way to achieve betters results. If you drop the weight before you reach it you are compromising the results.

If you can't move the weight another inch, if your muscles ache and you feel them burning, you are going in the right direction to true muscular failure.

If you stop short, even a second short, your gains will be compromised. Keep this in mind at all times in the gym and you'll experience better results than ever before. - 17269

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