Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Keeping your Butt Worked for Total Body Beauty

By Laurance Limberger

There is something that many health junkies or even professional "workout-holics" overlook when it comes to their full body work-outs. As you might have realized, most training regimes pay very little attention to the butt. The reason that the butt is so often overlooked is probably because of the many trainers and fitness magazines that put emphasis on body parts and neglect the butt. This is a big mistake as we will explain to you shortly.

One of the reasons for the neglect of the butt in most of our workouts is that the butt is almost always classified wrongly. Instead of being its own specialized set of muscles, most health professionals and even health journals will classify the butt muscles as either a part of the legs or the back. It is because of this that the butt will often get a substandard workout together with either the butt or the back. To make matters worst the butt muscles are some of the strongest muscles in the body. They are used everyday for your daily activities thus sub-standard workouts that only tough the butt muscles will simply not get you the results that you are looking for. Instead of mixing up the exercises, we recommend that the butt has its own specific workout.

One other factor that makes the training of the butt less efficient is the lack of understanding regarding the types of exercises that will work the butt versus those that will work the back or the legs. The problem is that the exercises that hit the back and the legs are very similar to the ones that work the butt. Most health and fitness instructors or even instructional guides do not go into the subtleties of each exercise and how if set up in a slightly different way will actually put the focus on the butt muscles. For our purposes here, we will not go into the different exercises, you are however welcome to see the different methods available at http://www.butt-up.net.

If you have had the time to flip through the current edition of any of the popular fitness magazines out there you will see that they will generally focus their attention on muscle groups that are easier to train and can show their results quicker. There is a distinct lack of focus on any of the muscles in the butt area. For the majority of us health enthusiasts, we get our information from these magazines or even from trainers who in-turn also obtain their information from these health publications. The thing is that there is little said about the whole concept of body shaping. Much is told about the different part of the body and how you can shape these but very little space is provided for those looking to build their entire body making it look good.

People who have spent time in higher end gyms or have spent many thousands of dollars on the top fitness and body image instructors will know that there is no one single part of the body that will define it as beautiful. Rather it is how all the different parts of the body that come together to form the whole body that can be defined as beautiful or not. The two important elements of making a body beautiful are symmetry and balance. If the body lacks any of these two elements then it cannot be called beautiful. An example of symmetry is the width of your hips to your shoulders, the length of your shin to your thigh, or in our case the size of the butt to the overall build of your body. Balance is how balance you are from side to side, you can't have an arm that is longer then the other and be called beautiful. It is for this very reason that it is vital to develop the butt in order for the whole body image to improve. Neglecting your butt will mean that you will have one part of your body that is always holding you back.

It is unfortunate that the most neglected part of the body in today's health and fitness industry is the butt. Its shape and tone is vital in tying up the upper and lower body to form a beautiful package. The thing is, the muscles that form the butt are some of the strongest and most resilient muscles on our body. Normal sub-optimal workouts will never be enough to get the butt looking the way that it should. If you look into the grand scheme of things, there really isn't any point of working all your muscle groups but still neglect the butt. It has to be worked together with all the rest of the body parts to form a body that is beautiful. - 17269

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