Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 24, 2009

Older Stretch Marks - What's The Most Effective Method Of Treatment?

By Meghan D. Ernest

While stretch marks aren't a serious medical condition, they can often be a source of frustration and embarrassment for those who have them. Most women will be forced to deal with them at some point, and they can be caused by many different things. If a person gains weight suddenly, or gets pregnant, or has dry skin or lives in a dry climate, they have a much higher chance of getting stretch marks.

Stretch marks happen when the top layer of skin gets a series of microscopic tears in it, and as it heals it is left with a wrinkled and misshapen appearance. While they often subside over time, some do not go away at all. They can be prevented by not gaining weight suddenly, and adopting a good skin care routine, but some people are forced to get surgery to correct them.

Other things that are thought to cause stretch marks are yo-yo dieting, dry skin, and lackluster nutrition. These things can cause the collagen and elastin within your skin to break down, leading to stretch marks. Here are some ways to prevent them:

If you work out consistently, your body (especially your skin) will benefit. Regular exercise increases overall circulation, keeping skin toned and refreshed. A good, sweat-inducing workout will remove impurities from your pores, and make your skin renew itself naturally.

Fresh skin is more evenly textured and resilient, which will prevent stretch marks from forming. A good workout will reduce stress and possibly keep hormones balanced, which will help your skin stay healthy.

Moisturize well, and often. Use a moisturizer that has Vitamin E- it can stop stretch marks before they start. Look for a moisturizer that has a lot of shea or cocoa butter, and apply it at least twice a day, right after you shower. Your skin will be silky and resilient.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Your metabolism will stay high and your skin will be healthier. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. They will improve the condition of your skin and stimulate cell turnover, building stronger skin and reducing your chances of getting stretch marks.

There are many skin care and cosmetic products that work well on stretch marks. Those that have a higher concentration of vitamin A and vitamin E are great at preventing stretch marks from forming, and treating those that you may already have.

Some use laser treatments as a last resort. You probably think that they can only be used on the face, but they are great all over. The non-ablative laser Fraxel removes the top layer of skin, which is where stretch marks happen. After a few weeks, you will see new, fresh, mark-free skin emerge.

For those who want to keep it natural, there are quite a few herbal preparations that promote healthy and supple skin. Ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin E, olive oil, and aloe vera work well when applied directly to the affected area. All of these will make you have more elastic, moisturized skin.

There are home remedies that are effective too- combining ingredients like egg whites and oatmeal will help to make stretch marks less noticeable, as well as encouraging the growth of new skin tissue. While they aren't as fast-acting as a surgery, these natural and homemade remedies will work over time.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to guarantee that you won't get stretch marks. Most cases can be minimized through a balanced diet and a good workout program. Most of us will have to deal with stretch marks eventually, and no matter how you choose to treat them, it is possible to maintain healthy and stretch mark-free skin. - 17269

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