Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 17, 2009

What Is the Link Between Easy Bruising and Acupuncture?

By Carolyn Cooper

There are numerous great benefits to acupuncture and if you are currently having sessions, you are probably very excited about the results. One side effect of the treatments that might not have you feeling positive, though, might be the fact that the treatment may leave you with some bruising. There are quite a few patients of acupuncture who complain about localized bruising after they have been to their acupuncturist appointment, and when you are trying to determine how your treatment is effecting you, these bruises might be somewhat troublesome. Take a moment to evaluate what the acupuncture treatment is doing to you and why it might be the cause for your bruising easily.

Acupuncture is an honored, traditional Chinese medical practice that has been getting a lot of support in the West recently. The theory that underlies the practice of acupuncture is that there are definite lines of energy that mapped throughout the body, and when these energy lines are interrupted, the result can be an onslaught of ills, such as depression, disorders of gastrointestinal organs or even problems as varied as heart disease and high cholesterol. The treatment process consists of the insertion of very thin needles into various points along the lines of energy in the body. This process typically causes no pain, but there often is a tingling sensation that is quite peculiar to anyone who has never done experienced an acupuncture treatment before.

The practice of acupuncture treatments becoming so widely spread that there are now several insurance policies that will defray the costs of treatment, and subsequently more people are experimenting with it and discovering that it works remarkably well for them. If you are one of the more recent experimenters, you may discover that you have been left with a collection of small bruises at every insertion point for the needles. The bruises are usually not painful, but some people are presented with a surprise when they disrobe for their bath and to find numerous dark bruises on their body.

Bruising is somewhat likely to occur due to the very nature of acupuncture. As each needle is inserted by your acupuncturist, your skin is being damaged. If you normally bruise when you are getting a shot, it is duet to the fact that there are small blood vessels being broken, and that can very easily result in a bruise. The trauma to the skin can cause minor bruising, but the bruises shouldn't last long, and you should not worry that something has gone wrong with your treatment.

On the other hand, what about making sure that you can wear your favorite swimsuit to the beach? This is where a uniquely formulated, natural remedy like the Bruises Be Banned daily treatment program can be beneficial for you. If you are trying to find an answer to how you can overcome your easy bruising, Bruises Be Banned can help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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