Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 15, 2009

4 Caloric Restriction Mistakes When Losing Flabby Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Being in a slightly negative caloric balance is critical for losing arm fat. If you really want to get rid of those flabby arms, you are going to have to eat less calories.

The good news is that a restriction in calories doesn't necessarily mean eating less food. If you do this the right way, you can actually eat more volume of food while eating less calories.

And please don't get into a negative caloric state the wrong way. Some women do crazy things to cut calories from their diets. Do this, and you sexy arm journey will be a nightmare.

So here are 4 things not to do when reducing arm fat and calories:

1. Increasing physical activity without optimizing nutrition. Even if you're a professional competitor, you should still clean up your nutrition. Simply burning more calories through activity without paying attention to diet is not optimal or healthy. You can get far better results by combining activity and diet.

2. Visually estimating caloric restrictions. It's impossible to gauge how many calories are in the food you're eating by simply winging it. If all you're doing is putting less on your plate, then you're in for a very long ride.

3. Measuring and weighing food. This type of approach is way too mechanical. Even worse, you'll definitely burn out at one point or another. We're simply not made to do such rote behaviors. Moreover, these types of practices can lead to eating disorders. Not good.

4. Abusing energy pills. The key here is moderation and only take them when necessary. If you abuse energy pills to suppress your appetite, they'll work for a short while. And once their effect wears off, you'll have an insatiable urge to eat everything under the sun. You can't simply cancel out your desire to eat and expect no consequences.

Reducing calories to get rid of flabby arms doesn't have to be hard. If you do it the wrong way, you are much more likely to rebound. And rebounds are not fun because they are so demoralizing. We've all been there and done that. So make sure to follow my tips! - 17269

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