Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Best Shape of Your Life

By Nate Barnett

There is no question that we are living in a time of depressed people. Most Americans are not doing any type of physical labor. In our school systems they are taking away some of the most vital programs that are combating obesity. They are taking away physical education and recess in many parts of the country. Why is this happening? Why would congress allow such things? Our taxpayers are paying boat loads of money trying to fight this obesity epidemic when we can have complete control over it.

It seems that Americans are getting fatter by the minute. There is so much more access to calorie rich foods and sugars that are causing this problem. Many Americans know they overeat, yet they are not willing to do what it takes to take care of their problem. They are the problem and most of us know better. Most people know what they need to do to overcome their addictions to food but they are not willing to give it up.

With Health Care costs on the rise and Heart Disease being one of the main causes of death, it is alarming to think that our government doesnt do much to control what is going on. Our doctors are warning their patients, particularly the super obese, that they cannot continue down the same path of self destruction. Most do not adhere to the advice of the medical professionals and continue living a life that many are paying the consequences for.

What can we do to stop this obesity epidemic? Individually and collectively we can start making a difference. However, it does start with you. Are you the root of the problem? Do you overeat? How many times do you exercise on any given week? If you are part of the problem I would suggest you make some drastic changes to your behaviors that are keeping you overweight. You can do it. Do it for yourself, not just because of the epidemic.

If we pull together as Americans and start educating our youth and encouraging those who are overweight to make a change; we can make a big difference in our society. There is no question that we truly have a big problem on our hands and it all starts with you making a difference. - 17269

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