Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Road to Success with P90X

By Austin Mcgonigle

I thought I would address something that I hear way to often. It never fails that I run into someone that proceeds to tell me they can't get the motivation to workout because they never notice any changes. I normally proceed to ask these people what their workout routine is, and what their diet consists of, and with out a doubt they proceed to tell me they can bench press 240 pounds 50 times, and can curl a car, which is all good and fine, but they never answer the part about the diet . You see that's a very small part of it, you can move all the weight you like, but if you're out there eating a big mac combo 2 times a day 5 days a week, you're fighting a losing battleThe ONLY way you going to get the results you desire is by changing what you eat. Now you don't have to use the P90x nutrition guide, but you will need to make some changes to your diet, to achieve maximum results.

You can exercise all you want, and lift all you want, but if you're not doing some kind of nutrition you're not going to get true visible results***RIPPED ABS!, I'm not saying you won't be in amazing shape, you just won't have amazing definition. When I started P90X I went a little far, I completely cut out soft drinks, processed foods (for the most part), sugars, fast food, and anything else I thought was junk. Now I know that's not realistic for everyone, but everyone can make little changes to get them on the path. I I thought I would give you a few ideas, buy telling you all what I eat on a daily basis. I'm not saying this is what you have to eat, just giving you a little food for thought so to speak

I can't think of anything more important than what I'm about to tell you, so pay close attention because this is the key to a good nutrition planmake SURE you eat breakfast every day. I know that everyone is in a hurry in the mornings, and a lot of times breakfast is the last thing on our minds, but the truth is by not eating breakfast you're sending your body into starvation mode. Now think about this, you should stop eating 3-4 hours before you go to sleep, now assuming you do that, and most people get at least 6 hours of sleep, and you decide to skip breakfast and eat lunch some where around 12:00, and you went to sleep at 10 the night before and stopped eating at 7, that's 17 hours you went with out eating. That sends you body into starvation mode, slows your metabolic rate, and you body becomes extremely efficient, and doesn't like to burn calories unless absolutely necessary, that means there are less calories being burned and more fat being stored, which is extremely counter productive. The purpose of that huge run on sentence up there was to explain why breakfast is soo important .so eat something in the mornings!!!

For me breakfast doesn't change much, the only thing that really changes are the days I that I eat certain things on, it always pretty much consists of: Turkey sausage, some kind of fruit, slice of wheat toast, and a glass of juice **the rest of the day it's nothing but water** Protein shake and fruit 8ox Oatmeal, fruit, and juice 3 egg whites with chopped onions/mushrooms/ham, slice wheat toast, and a glass juice. And that pretty much takes care of breakfast, those for things on a repeating cycle.boring I knowbut as I said before it's what works for me, and that's what's important. Sometime after breakfast but before lunch I'll have a snack, now by snack I don't mean run out to the gas station and load up on a 44oz soda, and hoho's, snack's are fruit, nuts, turkey jerky, or a protein bar/shake.

Lunch is almost the same everyday also, I'll have a can of all white albacore tuna, I don't mix it, I just eat the tuna, sometimes I'll put a little balsamic vinegar on it, with a salad. If I can't get home, and have to eat lunch out, I'll normally find a deli, have a half of some kind of sandwich on wheat, along with a salad.

Dinner for me is important, because I'm the type of person that used to eat, just to have something to do, so I make sure that dinner is good, so I don't have to go looking for something to do in a couple of hoursJ For example I would do a tuna steak on the grill, fresh grilled vegetables, small portion of rice, or wheat pasta. Something like that, would be a normal dinner, I cut a lot of red meat out of my diet now, so it's mostly tuna, pork, chicken. Now don't get me wrong, I still love the occasional steak, just not as many as I used to love. Now I know it's hard for people to find the time to do this everyday, so just cook a couple of days worth of food at a a time, that way all you need to do is warm it up. Do whatever works for you, like I said this is what works for me, the important thing is to put some kind of plan into action, and follow through..GOODLUCK and STICK WITH IT!!!!! - 17269

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