Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Does Milk Cause Cellulite?

By El Bilson

We certainly do enjoy our daily consumption of diary products, but I have often wondered " does milk cause cellulite? Can we improve the look of your skin and get rid of cellulite simply by making a dietary change?

Lots of people have often wondered " does milk cause cellulite? While some of us would not enjoy giving up our daily dairy products, others might find this to be worth a shot if it means no more cellulite!

One of the biggest controversies surrounding milk is the amount of hormones contained in milk we consume. Hormones given to the cows to enable them to produce more milk are often passed on into the milk we drink. Many feel that these extra hormones can do damage to our bodies when we regularly ingest them.

Because cellulite responds to hormonal changes with in the body, it would make sense that increases in hormones in the body would trigger an increase in the amount of cellulite. Some studies have shown that a reduction of cellulite was found in women who stopped using diary products. It took about 6 to 12 months for these women to notice a difference in the appearance of their skin and get rid of cellulite.

For many women who are desperate to get rid of their cellulite and have tried many different products in the past with no success, a simple diet change may be the solution they are looking for. This can be hard however. Diary products are found in many foods we eat " just try eating something that doesnt contain cheese!

A an easy way to get around using regular cows milk is to use goats milk. Goats milk doesnt usually have the hormones found in regular cows milk. Be careful with yogurt too as yogurt is made from cow's milk and can contain hormones that are harmful.

Other people may feel that there is no true answer to the question does milk cause cellulite. They feel that this topic has not been studied much and therefore no scientific conclusion can be drawn. While this point is valid, it should not be used to dissuade those who are interested in eliminating diary from their diets in order to get smooth skin.

Not only are women asking does milk cause cellulite, but they are wondering if milk products are the source of some of their other health problems as well. These can include things such as digestive issues, weight gain and acne. Going off diary products may be helpful for many a variety of reasons, not just cellulite.

In conclusion, only you can decide if milk really does impact your cellulite. If you decide to stay away from diary products, make sure you give yourself enough time to notice results. A week or so probably will not cut it as our bodies are often slow to change. You will most likely need to dedicate 6 months to a year towards this project. While after this amount of time you may not find any results with your cellulite, you may notice that you do not crave or tolerate milk products any longer. - 17269

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