Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How Children Can Benefit from Colostrum

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith

Recently, we worked with a doctor and a daycare center in Salt Lake City to conduct a placebo-controlled study that would test whether our colostrum strawberry chewables for children could reduce the incidence of infectious disease in such a crowded setting. The study was never completed " but for good reason. Heres why.

It has to do with a little boy named Hunter Shepherd.

Hunter Shepherd was one of the subjects in our study. He was 18 months old and was constantly sick. He had chronic middle ear infections, and as a result, always had tubes in his ears to drain them. He had not yet slept all through the night. One of Hunter's relatives was his pediatrician, so health care costs were never an issue; additionally, Hunter had received every antibody in hopes to help him. Sadly, though, because of all the antibodies he had been given, his immune system had become very weakened.

Within three days of starting on first-milking colostrum, Hunter was sleeping through the night. Within seven days, the fluid buildup in, and drainage from, his ears, nose and back of throat had ceased. It was a miracle to Hunters parents, but, frankly, its what we expect from a first-milking colostrum formula. It was almost as if he had been given a vaccination against middle ear and other common childrens infections. No wonder some health experts call colostrum the universal vaccine!

But theres more.

Hunter was not the only one experiencing similar effects. We had some children on the colostrum strawberry chewables, and some children were on a placebo chewable. Two months after we started our study, parents of the placebo chewable said the children receiving the colostrum strawberry chewables did not have any allergies, flu, colds or other respiratory problems. The parents also said the children, whom they thought were receiving the colostrum strawberry chewables, were happier, had better listening skills and longer attention spans.

During the parents' observations, they wanted to know which children were on the colostrum strawberry chewables and which children were on the placebo chewables. When the parents discovered their children were receiving the placebo chewables, they said they would leave the daycare if their children did not receive the colostrum chewables. The daycare could not afford to lose half their children, so all children received the strawberry colostrum chewables and the study was stopped.

Colostrum and Children

What we did get to see from the time we conducted this study, was the immune benefits for children that result from colostrum. Colostrum is usually seen as beneficial for baby calfs. This is true, but colostrum is beneficial for the improvement of humans health as well. Studies show the abundance of immune factors found in colostrum that can protect people of all ages from infections.

Researchers for the Center for Studies of Sensory Impairment, Aging and Metabolism, Guatemala City, Guatemala, are studying how children who are malnourished and impoverished can be protected and helped through colostrum.

"The growth, development and health conditions for children living under deprived conditions in developing countries are so adverse that immediate public health measures to reduce morbidity and improve nutrition are urgently needed," notes a report in the August 2002 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "Preventing and shortening the course of diarrhoeal episodes, eliminating protozoal colonization, and balancing intestinal microflora would all contribute to these goals. Recent advances in food technology in industrial dairying allow for continuous availability of stabilized bovine colostrum concentrate, both natural and hyperimmunized against specific human pathogens. This is safe for the calves of the producers themselves, for laboratory animals, and generally for humans, with the caveat of the milk-allergic."

Children definitely benefit from colostrum. However, when giving colostrum to your children, think of it as a whole food concentrate rather than a nutritional supplement. If you have a child or children who suffer from multiple occurrences of colds or the flu, middle ear infections or other respiratory infections, then colostrum is the answer for you. Our strawberry colostrum chewables can help improve your children's immune system and protect them against these illnesses. Plus, because they are strawberry chewables, it is easier for your children to take them. All you have to do is have your children take two to three colostrum strawberry chewables daily. You can find these Strawberry Chewable Colostrum Tablets at HealthyShores.com - 17269

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