Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's All The Fuss About Acai Berries?

By Rebekah Galafinakis

Acai berries are making the health food industry and consumers stand up and pay attention. What's the reason? Because these little acai berries, which are deep purple in color and the size of a small grape, are rich in vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for good health. From extra energy to anti-aging benefits these little purple acai berries promise the consumer everything.

They also carry levels of Vitamin E in the fruit which helps the immune system to function more efficiently and some health food companies claim the acai berries helps with a steady natural weight loss. In part, that gives you the energy boost similar to caffeine like effect but without the jitters. The fruit is also a more natural form of caffeine that gives you an energy boost but unlike, say coffee for example, you dont get the jitters just more energy and for longer periods of time.

Some people use the acai berries as a facial astringent because the fruit has high anti-bacterial properties and leaves the skin feeling bright and soft. Health and Organic food stores offer many different types of acai berry products because they are made up of so many antioxidants. You can find acai extract in many health stores; this can be found as pills or mixed into smoothies. And online you can find the purest all natural organic acai berry products and have them delivered right to your door.

There is little doubt that this amazing fruit has a promising future in the medical world, health food industry and with consumers. Results are not conclusive as yet but an expert in health foods can tell you more about it.

At times, acai berries are called "power berries," and it is no surprise considering all of these amazing health benefits. And that, my friend, is what all the fuss is about. - 17269

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