Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 26, 2009

3 Raw Vegan Diet Myths

By Alistair Bedingford

There are myths surrounding the raw vegan diet that have prevented people from starting such a diet. This article discusses some of the major ones and hopes to educate the reader.

Myth #1 - Raw food is cold

Many people think that if you are on a raw diet you are eating cold food. Guess what? Food is considered "Raw" until it reaches a temperature of approximately 115F. This is the temperature in which the enzymes found in raw food are killed.

There are a couple of ways to "heat" raw food. Arguably, the best method is using a dehydrator. A raw food dehydrator is a device that not only pulls out water from food, giving it a wonderful "cooked" texture but they also can heat food while preventing it from crossing the enzyme destroying threshold.

Myth #2 - I can't eat out or with friends on a raw diet

Worry not, being a raw vegan does not mean you have to eat all your meals alone by yourself. This is because the health benefits of a raw food diet can be achieved as long as one eats raw at least 75% of the time.

The other reason that eating raw does not mean you are stuck eating at home is that raw food cuisine is growing in popularity and new raw restaurants are opening in many cities every day. Most new Whole Foods Markets have a raw section with lots of tasty meals.

Myth #3 - Eating raw is too expensive

Although raw food is excellent for you it doesn't have to take a toll on your pocket book. The main reason is that when you eat raw vegan you are eating a diet of vegetables which are generally cheaper than meat.

Also, raw food is more filling than cooked food because it contains more fiber, which means that you get fuller off of less food and therefore, have to buy less food.

There you go, 3 myths debunked. Go enjoy some hot raw food with your friends and save money. - 17269

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