Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bodybuilding Workouts to Get Rid Of Fat

By Jace P. Andersen

There are several different types of bodybuilding workouts you can use and your workout of choice will be determined by your desire to either build muscle, lose weight or build muscle while losing fat. The most popular reason for body building is to burn fat and get muscle definition. No matter your weight lifting goal a body building workout can help you achieve that goal.

Your diet is an important part of the body building workout as certain foods and vitamins are necessary to build muscle. If you are looking to do body building to burn fat then you need to make sure you have plenty of calcium as calcium is needed to regulate body fat storage as well as to keep your blood pressure low.

Body building is also used to build muscle besides just staying in shape. There are many different types of workouts depending on what your goals are. Many individuals want to tone the muscles that they have, other want to build overall muscle mass while others may want to focus on increasing and defining specific muscle groups.

Body building workouts can also be used just to stay in shape and maintain the muscle you have by keeping it nice and toned. For those looking to tone muscle your workout will consist of high repetitions but with lighter weights. Whereas those looking to build a lot of muscle fast will want to do shorter reps but with much heavier weights.

For the best muscle gain you want to between 5 to 12 reps of exercises and your schemes should change every 3 to 4 weeks. This ensures that your muscle will work in different ways and also make it much harder to over train. It is also important to change your weight and sometime lift lighter weights then you normally might. You should not lift heavy weights all of the time.

If you are interested in losing fat and gaining some muscle then you need to closely look at your diet. To lose fat you will need to decrease or restrict the calories you are consuming each day and make sure you are eating low fat foods. The key to building muscle and losing fat is adding resistance training to your aerobic or cardio exercise.

Resistance training at least twice a week has been proven to burn more calories over a 24 hour period then just aerobic exercise alone. You want to change between high intensity and lower intensity resistance training and make sure you normally lift for about 30 to 45 minutes a minimum of twice a week. It is important that you first do resistance training and then afterwards or the next day perform aerobic activity.

If you are just interested in strictly weight loss then you need to decrease your calories each day and do a combination of resistance training and aerobic work. Many individuals find that they are doing everything right but not losing weight and 9 times out of 10 they are not following the proper nutrition. The best way to keep track of what you are eating is to keep a food journal. Once the nutrition is taken care of you can follow resistance training and aerobic exercise program for weight lose. - 17269

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