Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, November 6, 2009

Colon Cleaners - Your Ultimate Guide

By Jared Rite

Whether you like it or not, you are always susceptible to taking in toxic chemicals in your body. It is hard to get away from these toxic substances since they are present in almost all food and drinks. Even seemingly, harmless cosmetic products also cause toxins to enter your body. In addition, even if you totally avoid eating, drinking and using cosmetics, you are still not free from toxins because they can be present in the air that you breathe. In ordinary situations, this should not be a problem. Your body was programmed such that these toxins are eliminated before they can even cause any harm like through urination, perspiration and bowel movement. Unfortunately, this elimination process sometimes fails. Toxins accumulate and are reabsorbed causing various health problems.

One way of helping your body eliminate toxins and prevent diseases is to use colon cleaners. Colon cleaners, as the name implies, clean the colon of the different toxins that get deposited there. The colon is a long tube located towards the end of the digestive tract. It is so long that when stretched, it could be of the same length as a young adult who is four and a half to five and a half feet in height. One of its purposes is to absorb remaining water, electrolytes and nutrients from food not fully digested. When it absorbs these, toxins are also absorbed. Health problems arise when these toxins accumulate. Some of the health problems that may arise are constipation, bloating, blood putrefaction, fecal impaction. It could even cause bad breath.

There are various kinds of colon cleaners available in the market. One of the commonly used colon cleaners is enema. Enemas like fleet enema and soap sud enema are used to induce elimination of wastes in the colon. Nevertheless, since this is done by inserting substances through the anal region, some people stay away from it. An alternative that they take is using laxatives. These pills taken orally also induce waste elimination. There are synthetically made laxatives as well as herbal colon cleaners. People opt for the herbal colon cleaners because they believe that they are safer to use since they are made from natural ingredients.

You can also go for colonic hydrotherapy. A trained professional in either a clinic or a hospital does this method. Water is introduced in the colon through your rear end to flush out toxins and other wastes. Though many say that wastes will really be removed, you still have to be cautious because through the process of removing harmful substances, beneficial bacteria are also removed.

Lastly, you can also clean your colon by changing your diet. You should eat a lot of foods with high fiber content. These fibers will sweep out the toxins in your colon. You should also avoid foods with lots of preservatives. In addition, you should increase your water intake.

Colon cleaners aim to help you clean your system to prevent diseases. But before using any of the colon cleaners mentioned here, it is better to ask your doctor for advice first for your own safety. - 17269

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