Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, November 2, 2009

Develop Quick Weight Loss Plan With These 3 Tips

By Walter Marsaki

1. Shall I inform you of a simple and quick weight loss plan? Eat less sodium in your daily diet. This will help in reduction of water retention in your body.

If you eat a lot of salt, then the body will retain more water leading to weight gain. People suffering from fluid retention are often advised by doctors and nutritionists to take a low sodium diet.

It is preferable to follow a diet of not more than 1000 milligrams of sodium per day until water retention subsides.

2. Moving on to the next quick weight loss plan tip. It is to drink more water as this will quickly fill up your stomach. When you aren't too much hungry, just have a glass of water. Eat only when you are too hungry.

Drinking lot of water has other big benefits too. Firstly, the more you drink the less water the body stores. So you will not face the problem of excess water retention by the body.

Your body will become bloated when too much water is stored in it. To avoid such a situation, drink more water so that the body does not feel the need to store it.

Whenever you drink a lot of water, you would notice the need to rush to the washroom often. Do not worry about this as toxins are being released from your body through urine.

Your metabolism rate will improve by drinking plenty of water. Metabolism rate refers to the speed with which your body burns excess calories.

Faster metabolism may mean faster calorie burning - which is good for rapid weight loss. Drinking plenty of water is a simple, easy and natural method of increasing this metabolism rate and enjoy faster fat burning.

3. Now, here is a third quick weight loss plan - eat lot of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of important nutrients required by the body. At the same time, they contain very less amount of calories. So you will be getting nutrition without consuming many calories.

It is best to eat them raw and uncooked. You can eat a lot of salad with all your meals. Or you can make fruit and vegetable juices (with very little to no sugar) for consumption.

Fruits and vegetables are excellent to include in your weight loss plan. They provide quality nutrition and contain very few calories.

If you follow the above tips, you can notice some quick improvements in your weight reduction. There are a lot of other things you might want to do in order to ensure quickest and permanent weight loss. - 17269

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