Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Learn 7 Rules for the Best Body Building Program

By Cecil Kelly

When it comes to structuring the best training program for skinny guys looking to bulk up fast, there are 7 things you need to work out.

How to choose from exercises: The only effective method of how to bulk up fast is to employ free weights or your bodyweight as resistance. Do away with all kinds of machine exercises as they are ineffective in providing rigorous exercise to your joints and muscles. Choose exercises that make you lift really heavy weights.

How many sets to perform per workout: Less is more for the skinny beginner. 12 to 16 sets are all you should perform per workout to really gain muscle. There are many advantages of low volume training over high volume training, like better recovery from workouts, no soreness after exercise, no overtraining, faster muscle growth during recovery time, etc.

How many sets to perform per exercise: Beginners and skinny guys are prescribed 3 to 5 sets per exercise. As you advance and start gaining some muscle and get used to the training program, 1 to 3 sets per exercise is enough.

How many reps per set: The range of 8-12 reps that you see in many muscle building programs is not for skinny guys trying to bulk up fast. For you, the range of 5-8 reps is ideal. You can lift very heavy weights with this range which is essential for hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle cells).

How fast should be the reps: High rep speed is recommended for the hard gainers. Slow concentric and eccentric will not help at all. Although the lowering of the weight (eccentric) must be controlled, it should be over in 2 seconds. Don't count and slow down the process.

How much to rest between sets: Depending on the intensity of the exercise, take a rest of a minute to a minute and a half between sets. Advanced exercisers need much more rest - from 2 to 4 minutes. You will need more and more rest as you build more muscle and gain weight.

How long to train in one session: Never go beyond 30-45 minutes in one session. This is the optimum duration of a training session for testosterone to build up to peak levels. Any more than that and cortisol (catabolic hormone) will start eating away your muscle tissues. - 17269

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