Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Useful Tips To Build Muscle And Burn Fat Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Everyone wants to burn fat fast. If you have ever been on a diet or workout regimen, you know how hard that can be. There are two main areas that you have to pay attention to when you want to lose weight: diet and exercise. While this comes as no surprise to anyone, there are some things that you can do to increase the efficiency of your current routine.

The following tips will help you rev up your fat burning engine and get rid of those unwanted pounds more quickly.

1. Add plenty of fiber to your daily diet. The fat burning process is help with fiber and promotes general good health. A good 25 grams of fiber each day is what you should aim for. Ten grams of fiber is the average for Americans today. Fiber is obtained by adding whole wheat breads, cereals, pastas, fruit, vegetables and nuts.

2. Never go to bed hungry. Choose a snack that is good and a vegetable is a good choice. There are certain foods that prevent your body from metabolizing fat. They are simple carbs such as white breads and pastas, fruit juices among others. Simple carbs may actually cause increased fat storage while you are sleeping.

3. Eat less, eat more. Small meals spread throughout the day keeps hunger pangs at bay. Another simple change: eat your vegetables before your heavier main course. This can help fill you up so you are less tempted to eat too much of the less healthy foods.

4. Size of food portions does matter. And Americans have a poor senses in this area. This skill needs to be developed. Eat only until you are satisfied and not uncomfortable. Use a smaller plate and eat slowly. This help you to control overeating.

5. Eat before you workout. To help get the maximum benefits from each workout, have a snack that is low in carbs and high in protein. This may help you exercise longer and at a more intense pace, which means more calories are burned away! Eat your snack ninety minutes before your workout, any sooner and you'll get the reverse effect.

6. Practice breathing through your nose by exhaling and inhaling. Your stamina will be greater and your heart rate will stabilize. This results in being able to exercise more and this results in burning more calories.

7. Start interval training. An example - walking for two minutes at a very fast pace then slowing down for three minutes. Gradually you will increase the time you spend working fast. If you want to run - this is a great way to start. Again, you will burn lots more calories and fat faster.

8. First weights, second cardio. You need to give your body 15-20 minutes to warm up for your cardio. By doing weights first you are priming your body for your cardio exercises. This enables burning calories faster. Stretch before weight training.

9. What is the spice of life? Variety. The same goes for any weight or exercise program. Doing the same thing day after day dooms you to a plateau in weight loss. You must add variety. An exercise routine must add a mix of strength, flexibility and cardio workouts to be effective. Your body becomes accustomed to the same routing over and over again, therefore it becomes less effective and the results are fewer calories are burned.

10. Add weights to lose weight. Adding weights to your routine helps you burn more calories and build stronger muscles. Even adding some bicep curls while you're on your treadmill can help you see results sooner.

It takes both diet and exercise to burn fat fast. Simple changes as the examples given above can reap big benefits. - 17269

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