Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What's Up With the HCG Diet in Arizona?

By Amelia Handley

The HCG diet in Arizona has proven very popular. Arizona is one of the states offering top sales results for HCG based diet companies. Some might ask why, but to me it's obvious. What is Arizona known for?

It's definitely got something to do with the weather. What do people think of when they think of Arizona? They think of the heat. It's hot pretty much all year long in Arizona. It's sizzling hot in the summer. It gets pretty sweltering in the spring. It can be oppressively warm in the fall. And there's even annoyingly warm days in the middle of winter that leave you carting around your light jacket and wiping sweat off your face because you have long sleeves on.

So are you wondering what the heck the weather has to do with the HCG diet in Arizona? I thought it would be obvious, but maybe I was wrong. When it's hot what do people tend to wear? They wear shorts or short skirts. They wear t shirts or tank tops. They wear less clothing so they won't be hot! And what becomes very obvious when less clothing is the norm? Extra weight and imperfections on the body become very obvious, that's what.

You might make it even clearer by saying the Arizona weather encourages (maybe even requires) people to run around in shorts and tank tops. You could move forward from there to say that shorts and tank tops on a regular basis encourages (maybe even requires) people to observe negative aspects of their body that they might not have noticed otherwise. And the final leap is that noticing the problem daily encourages (maybe even requires) that people do something to fix their negative body image. That's what has created the basis for the popularity of the HCG diet in Arizona. It's all natural and its effective. And it solves the problem without altering moods (like energy pills) or requiring a recovery period (like many invasive weight loss procedures).

The HCG diet in Arizona isn't just a phase. It is coming off as a valid solution to the problem created by poolside parties and constant invites to outdoor barbeques. Nobody feels their best in a swimsuit (alright almost nobody). But everyone wants to go swimming. Especially when it's upwards of a 100 degrees outside and you're sitting there listening to stead sizzling on the grill and wishing the soda you had in your hand was still ice cold.

So enjoying the mild winters is one thing. We all see the benefit of a mild winter. But what about the benefit of being comfortable in your body and your clothes during that heat. That's something worth working for; especially if you only have to endure the strict program for 25 days. That's nothing! You can do that...it's less than a month. And the fact that it offers weight loss averages of 1 to 2 pounds per day really act as adequate inspiration. Just be aware that you might have to invest in your wardrobe by the time the program is complete. You'll probably be falling out of your favorite blue jeans! - 17269

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