Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Acai Fruit Juice : Frequently Asked Questions

By Mark Walters

Acai fruit juice has been getting a lot of publicity recently, and for good reason too - it has rightly been recognized as a health boosting super-food. Still, many people are unsure as to what it is and what benefits it has to offer; if you're one of these people, then read on to have your questions answered...

What exactly are Acai berries? Acai berries are approximately 1cm long, dark colored fruits, deriving from a palm tree with the same name, which is native to primarily the Americas. The fruit is also a relative of the other dark purple fruits including cranberries.

Is Acai fruit juice as healty as people say it is? Recent research on Acai fruit juice has revealed it incredibly potent anti-oxidizing affect on the human body, which in turn assists in the prevention of diseases related to oxidant build-up including heart attacks and cancer.

What is it that makes Acai berries so healthy? The reason that Acai berries are so much healthier than other types of fruits is because they contain two of the world's best anti-oxidants - Anthocyanins and Flavonoids. In fact, Acai berries don't just contain them, they are absolutely jam-packed with them! These two ingredients specifically target and remove the harmful toxins that build up in your body that cause diseases to develop..

Have the health benefits been scientifically proven? Recent studies have shown that Acai fruit juice is super high in anti-oxidants and contains more antioxidants that direct relatives such as cran-, ras-, black-, and blueberries. It is however essential to note that these studies are still ongoing.

Is there a link between weight loss and Acai berries? As mentioned previously, studies are still being conducted on Acai berries, and no-one yet knows for sure the connection between Acai berries and weight loss. Although acai fruit is mentioned as an ingredient in some weight loss products, there are very few studies that have yet proven Acai berries to be an effective weight loss promoter. However, there's no doubting the fact that berries and specifically acai fruit juice is a must for any healthy diet to prompt weight loss.

Are there beauty enhancing properties to Acai berries too? Some beauty products, such as facial and body creams, do contain Acai berries, and this is again due to their anti-oxidizing nature. When used in beauty products, it is normally Acai oil which is used, which is seen a great alternative to the standard chemical based oils which are often used.

Are there any side effects to using Acai fruit juice? As a fruit and a natural product, the vast majority of people will experience no side effects whatsoever to using Acai fruit juice. A small minority of people do have allergies to berry or pollen products though, so, if you have had bad reactions with other types of berries, then it is best to avoid Acai berries too. - 17269

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