Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Secret To Finding Pure Noni Juice

By Nathan Marks

If you see a product labeled as pure noni juice, what this means is that this juice should be only noni juice and not a blend of noni and other fruit juices. In addition, a pure noni juice product should be free of any additives: and certainly no added flavors, sweeteners or preservatives should be used.

For some people, pure noni juice also means that it is unpasteurized however most noni juice products on the market (including pure noni juice) for safety reasons do go through the pasteurization process. More often than not, pure noni juice is made from organically grown noni that has been allowed to age and ferment naturally for a period of 3 to 6 months. This makes for a more concentrated juice packed full of all the beneficial vitamins and nutrients that the noni fruit contains.

However, just because a given product is labeled as pure noni juice this does not mean that it is of the highest quality. This is because products labeled as pure noni juice can have varying quantities of vitamins and other nutrients and can also differ in flavor. Much depends on what stage of ripeness the fruit was at the time it was harvested and also the way in which it was processed. Noni which has been picked when not quite ripe will not ferment as easily as noni fruit which has already ripened. When noni is picked at full ripeness, the aging process will produce a juice which has a better flavor and a higher nutritional content. This results in a much higher quality pure noni juice product.

It's important to know this since some pure noni juice manufacturers may harvest the fruit too early resulting in a sub-standard product. Remember the aging process for noni can be as long as 3 to 6 months and basically the longer it is allowed to ferment the more concentrated the final product will be.

Another factor to consider is that while many companies market their products as being pure noni juice, for instance as stated on the label, it is not in fact always pure. The product might just contain the pulp or an extract which is then mixed with other juices to give it the appearance of being pure noni juice. There are even products available with only minute amounts of actual noni juice and which nevertheless are marketed as being pure.

If you want to be sure that you're really buying something which is pure noni juice, then you'll have to read the label carefully to ensure that the product is actually what it claims to be. If you see other fruit juices or additives on the ingredients list, then it's time to set down the bottle and keep looking for a pure noni juice product.

The origin of the juice is another clue to its quality; the best noni (and thus the best pure noni juice) comes from Hawaii, Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands. These are places with volcanic soil which is ideal for growing noni. As long as you're looking at the label, you may want to check to see if the pure noni juice product you're looking at is pasteurized.

The FDA is not responsible for ensuring that these products are actually as pure as their manufacturers claim, so in this case consumers are on their own to evaluate this. If you're interested in doing so, it is possible to make sure that you're getting authentic pure noni juice by buying noni fruit and fermenting it yourself. It's easy enough to do - just leave the fruit in a bowl at room temperature. As the noni ferments, juice will leak out, which you can then collect. If at all possible, choose organically grown fruit if you plan to make your own pure noni juice.

In conclusion, it's important to do your homework to ensure that the product you buy is indeed pure and not watered down with only a small or inconsequential amount of noni. Always read the label carefully and once you know it's pure then go ahead and enjoy all the wonderful health benefits that pure noni juice can offer! - 17269

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