Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Yeast Free Living - Can I Eat Rice?

By Matt Bournston

Have you just begun a yeast free diet? Or are you perhaps considering starting on a yeast free diet? Well, whichever of those applies to you, you might be wondering whether or not you can eat rice. There has been some conflicting information out there regarding the suitability of rice for a yeast free diet. So, what's the truth? Is rice okay on a yeast free diet or isn't it?

The answer is: yes, you can eat rice. However, life isn't always that simple, and this is no exception. The truth is, it does depend on how the rice is cooked and how you eat it. Other foods (particularly sugary or starchy foods) can cause a digestive environment that allows yeast to flourish at an unhealthy level.

In order to reduce the starch content of the rice, leave it to sit in cold water for at least an hour prior to cooking. Then thoroughly rinse it with cold water. Once you have cooked the rice you should then rinse it with HOT water.

Also, make sure you avoid bread, fruit juices, and indeed any food that has a high amount of sugar in it. Also avoid drinking fermented alcoholic drinks such as beer.

The number one thing to avoid (apart from yeast itself) is sugar. Candida (yeast) feeds on sugar. If you want something to snack on whilst on a yeast-free diet, look for rice crackers as these usually aren't made using yeast. Another alternative to rice crackers is corn crackers, or oatcakes if you are not intolerant to oats.

Whilst living on a yeast free diet it can be helpful to take particular supplements; grapefruit extract and oregano oil are particularly good. Oregano oil helps to get rid of yeast.

However, if you are unsure about anything discussed on this page, it is highly recommended that you seek the guidance of a qualified nutritionist, who will be able to guide you through the whole yeast free diet process. - 17269

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