Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Conversion Of Goji Berries Into Active Supplements

By Rachel Clark

From past many years, the Goji Berry is known as the most powerful type of anti-aging food in the whole world. Goji berries are rated as #1 on Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) scale that is used to measure the level of antioxidants in food. Basically, this was a test that was developed by USDA researchers in Tufts University, Boston. It is believed that food that score very high in this antioxidant analysis can be used to protect all the cells and their respective components from getting oxidative damaged.

Since many years, Goji fruit is used traditionally to fight against problems like general weakness, aching back & joints, lack of energy, tinnitus, diabetes, dizziness, blurred vision, wet dreams, cough, and sexual inadequacies. However, over the time, studies have found out some more uses of this plant. It can be used very well both internally as well as externally.

Internally, Goji fruit is used to fight against the toxic side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Externally, it is used to treat burns, bedsores, ulcers, frostbites, and furuncles.

Goji fruit constitutes many important nutrients like Physalin, Beta-sitoserol, Cyperone and Solavetivone. Physalin is a substance that is very active in all the leukemia types. This substance is useful for the treatment of hepatitis B. On the other hand; Solavetivone is a very powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compound. Beta-Sitoserol is mainly used as an anti-inflammatory agent that can be used for the treatment of sexual impotence and enlargement of prostate. It also induces cholesterol lowering effect in the body. Cyperone is a substance that can provide many benefits to body organs like heart, liver, etc. and also helps in maintaining normal blood pressure of the body. Since many years, this substance has also been in use for the treatment of the cervical cancer.

For over fifteen years, Goji fruit has proven its excellence in treating eyesight problems that are very common for young age people these days. This is because it contains B-carotene. Besides B-carotene, Goji fruit is also a rich source of amino acids that is available in a free form. Goji berry is considered as a holistic medicine in many parts of the world like China, Tibet, etc. Apart from its traditional properties, there are many new properties of this fruit that have been noticed recently. These are weight loss properties of Goji berries and due to this reason these days it has become very popular in health conscious people like celebrities and many other Hollywood stars.

There are many companies worldwide, which have become aware of the benefits of this fruit and therefore, have begun to work on this fruit. They have enhanced many benefits of this fruit by adding many other natural ingredients to it that serve as Goji Berry Active Supplements. These are designed especially to improve weight loss capabilities and therefore, provide many health benefits. All these efforts have finally resulted in a complete and all-natural active supplement that has been designed in such a way that it can be taken in an easy form as a pill. It does not have any powder form or cumbersome ingredients that are quite difficult to intake. All you need to do is to take them just as per the prescription and then it can help you to lose weight, improve immune functions, and increase body energy levels. - 17269

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