Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HCG Diet: Day 17

By Amelia Handley

This is Day 17 of my 25 day homeopathic HCG weight loss program. I get online periodically to check out info on the diet and today I was looking through some diet pill reviews that were listed along with some reviews of the HCG programs out there. It made me more positive than ever that the homeopathic method of weight loss is far better than the alternatives!

I guess there were some pretty big problems recently with some of the more popular diet pills. Some people are saying they have had complications in response to the products in several of the diet pill reviews that I ran across. I emailed them to Lisa's husband so that he could see again how smart Lisa and I are for choosing HCG over some of the other popular diet methods out there.

Lisa is my dieting buddy. (I'll just run you through a little reminder of the story in case you haven't read the previous articles in the series). When I decided to do the homeopathic HCG diet I asked Lisa to do it with me. I thought the competition would do me good. We decided to have a bet on the side to make it even more interesting. The winner gets a pair of jeans courtesy of the other.

Her husband was not a big supporter initially. He was really quite skeptical. I did eventually talk him around. But I do have to continually support my argument by sending him any further "proof" I find that my opinion is actually the right one on this particular issue. So the negative diet pill reviews were the perfect forward for Lisa's husband. He should never have disagreed with me; I'm rarely wrong.

So on to Day 17! I'm still at 156, dang it! But I'm not going to focus on the negative. I'm going to focus on the positive and say that I didn't go up AT ALL today. Isn't that fabulous?

Today I did well. I took my HCG as recommended. I took my B-Total Sublingual as recommended. I didn't eat Melba Toasts today because it's supposed to be one of the plateau breakers. I figured I should try one of them since I stuck at 156 today. For lunch I grilled a steak. It was huge so I stored some for later. I've really been loving the leftovers on this diet. With my steak I had strawberries and green tea. For dinner I went with chicken asparagus soup. Since the weather is so cold it was nice to have warm soup. Strawberries made a showing again as a late night snack. I did really want my Melba Toasts throughout the day, but I withstood the temptation. I'm hoping the plateau breaker will make a difference. We'll see tomorrow. - 17269

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