Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, January 25, 2010

My 25th Day on Homeopathic HCG

By Amelia Handley

Day 25! It's the last day on HCG. The 500 calorie diet is coming to an end. It was a successful venture, and I'm so glad I did it. But I'm also looking forward to not limiting myself to 500 calories per day. I'm really in the habit of taking the oral HCG drops which was fabulous while I was on it, but it's kind of funny now that I'm not supposed to be taking it anymore. (You don't take it for the last three days of the low calorie diet).

I'm at 150. That was the final weigh in as of this morning. So I'm down just one more pound. I officially lost 21 pounds in 25 days. I'm thinking that's a pretty amazing feat. And since I learned so many good habits while I was on the diet it's so much more likely that I'll stick to my new weight. I drink tons more water now. I eat healthy food and I know how to cook (and enjoy eating) a bunch of different healthy recipes. I weigh myself religiously every morning.

I attempted to make a smoothie today. Alright, alright! I thought about it. But it's just too dang chilly to really enjoy a frozen beverage. Instead I opted for strawberries with Stevia. I also had turkey tomato soup (a favorite) and Melba Toasts. The soup section was definitely my favorite section of the cookbook, but that could be because it's winter!

I put the pitcher of water out on the counter this morning so I could watch as I drank all the water I should drink in a day. It's the best way I've found to make sure that I get enough water throughout the day. I wanted to make sure I did it right. It's my last day so it's my last chance to get it exactly right.

For dinner I grilled some chicken (with my new favorite seasoning, Creole) and paired it with my favorite steamed cabbage and followed it with Mock Apple Cobbler. It was kind of like a mini HCG approved feast.

When I was reading some of the oral HCG reviews they indicated that people often continue to lose weight during the maintenance diet. So I guess I can kind of wait and see for that potential added bonus. But even if this is it and I've come to the end of my weight loss at 21 pounds...I'm absolutely satisfied. I think those are amazing results! - 17269

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