Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, January 22, 2010

Only 20% Of The Schools Surveyed Taught Nutrition As A Separate, Required Course.

By Pedro Toledo

What if you've tried every diet there is? Been told it's all down to your genes? Lost the weight - put it all back on ( and more!) again? You probably think that Diets don't work and - you know what? - You're absolutely right! They don't. They give you a mindset that it's only temporary so they set you up to fail as you only return after to your pre diet way of life. Maybe a better approach is to look at a different, whole new way of eating and living? A Raw Food Plan!

Start as you mean to go on When our baby is born, we are overjoyed with this beautiful new human being and we treat him/her with the utmost care. We breast-feed to ensure that they are getting the best start, but we need to continue nourishing them with healthy foods after the baby faze is over.

Vegetables are another good source of nutrients. These are the good carbohydrates. Most small children detest eating green vegetables. But they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that the human body needs. Children need these to be able to grow healthy and strong. If their bodies are deficient in anything it might cause poor development growth.

Everyone Eats the Same It is very important to make sure that everyone in the family has the same food to eat at each meal. When you plan a dinner you should use the same ingredients for everyone and of course, when your child is very small you can mash up or liquidise the meal for him/her.

It also happens to be a very ethical eating plan. Buying lots of local fruit and veg helps the local farmers and producers. It does take a little time to adapt. No more ready meals straight from the freezer popped into the microwave! No more "fast food" of the burger & fries variety but plenty of the even faster food you don't even have to cook! What a variety too - foods you may never have considered trying before.

Lead By Example You are your child's first role model. What they see you do they will mimic. Therefore, it's very important that they see you eat healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, yoghurts etc...You should never use sweets and chocolate as a reward. It sends out a bad message to your child that sweets are the goal when they do something good and can, perhaps lead to comfort eating in adult life. That is not to say that you can't give your child sweets from time to time. It's like everything in life, it's all about balance. If you give your child good eating habits in childhood, chances are they will remain with them throughout their lives. - 17269

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