Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, January 5, 2009

How your computer can help you maintain your weight

By Henry Kronsburgitis

Weight maintenance is different from losing weight. When we lose weight, we can try any diet method we like - as long as the result is positive. Weight maintenance is much like weight loss.

The concept of losing weight and maintaining weight are the same. What is important is to eat healthy, control the amount of food you eat at each meal and make daily exercise a part of your routine.

Part of being successful in weight maintenance is being motivated on an ongoing basis to keep from gaining additional weight. Also important is getting support from those around you and being able to handle stress without resulting to eating to much or eating the wrong foods. You must assume responsibility for your weight maintenance program.

Factors that may pose a risk for weight regain include a history of weight cycling, ununhibited eating, binge eating, more hunger, eating in response to negative emotions and stress, and more passive reactions to problems .

Weight maintenance is, therefore, a balancing act of energy utilization and replenishment, and it is important to know your individual needs.

If you track your caloric expenditure during your workouts, you can then adjust your caloric intake accordingly to ensure you're replenishing but not overindulging.

Using a computer program to track calories burned and how many calories you can consume to maintain your weight taking into account calories burned is an excellent way to maintain your weight. When the computer program notices a change in your metabolism, it will adjust your daily calorie budget to prevent a weight loss or a weight gtain. Also the program should help you adjust your retention of water from high sodium intake, or in the case of women, menstrual cycles. A good program even know how to adjust if you skip logging food for a few days. one excellent program for this is called Diet Power. - 17269

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