Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Acne With Proven Asian Skin Care Formula

By Winny Loi

People who suffer from a bad case of acne would do whatever it takes to obliterate it. The skin care formulas that are being used for the prevention and treatment of acne and pimples are increasing in popularity among teens where peer pressure of learning how to get rid of acne is prevalent. The challenge is trying to find products that truly work and have been proven to test of time. But how do you sort and sift through all the over exaggerated claims out there in the market place regarding the cure for acne? Most acne treatment medication have identical ingredients, but I will reveal 5 acne prevention methods utilizing an Asian skin care formula that has already been proven to work effectively, thanks to the tests already being performed on human test subjects.

DDF BP Gel Formula

Like the ever popular Proactiv Solution, this product contains benzoyl peroxide. In case you are not aware, this ingredient is a very well known acne fighting solution that is currently present in a 5% concentration. Tea tree oil is being used in conjunction with benzoyl peroxide to offset it's possible inflammatory effects on your skin. Some people are allergic to benzoyl peroxide, and tea tree oil can improve the skin's acceptance of that acne treatment formula without drying out your skin. DDF BP Gel contains the right amount of germ killing properties for eliminating acne breakouts. Tea tree oil is also a popular in many Asian skin care ingredients known to soften skin texture after one week's of use.

Acne Solutions Lotion-Emergency Gel

This Clinique formula must be used under the supervision and guidance of a skin care specialist. Although proven to be very effective in elminating acne by reducing the oily buildup on your skin, it eliminates the toxins that normally clogs up your pores. This expensive formula with a high concentration of benzoyl peroxide must be used with caution as there are many people who may suffer from the side effects from exposure to benzoyl peroxide. Clinique products are one of my favorite products. Although there are some that I am not happy with, I found some, through my experimentation, that have worked continuously for me over and over again.

Persa Gel Acne Relieving Formula

If you are interested in eliminating blackheads, white heads, this product with the smallest amount of benzoyl peroxide concentration will be perfect for those with sensitive skin. Johnson and Johnson, known for their baby products, have created this water-based formula. They know that oily acne prone skin sufferers cannot use anything of a cream based nature as it would clog up their pores resulting in the buildup of more acne. The small concentration of benzoyl peroxide resulted in a formula that is approved for safe use without a prescription.

Oxy 10 Balance-Emergency for Spot Treatment

This formula has been proven to cure the one of the worst conditions of acne. Like the Clinique product described above, use with caution. Always consult a skin care specialist before using any kind of strong acne treatments. This product cannot be mistaken for a acne preventive treatment measure. Murad is a well known acne preventive treatment system sold on infomercials. But unlike Murad, which can be used on an ongoing basis, Oxy 10 Balance Emergency Spot Treatment can only be applied on existing acne. This product can cause skin irritation especially to those who have sensitive skin.

Natural Acne Treatment With Herbs

These are what I call the most natural kitchen counter remedies for eliminating acne. Your basic anti-aging foods such as a banana, avocado, and vitamin E cream can be combined together to form a paste applicable to your acne prone skin. These ingredients can be made from your basic blender consisting of a teaspoon of vitamin E cream, one avocado, and half a banana. You just simply apply those blends of nutritional foods to your face for several minutes to experience the benefits of cleansed skin with reduced acne.

But you must realize that natural acne remedies (Asian skin care) made out of foods are perishable and must be used within one day. The great thing about using natural foods to create your own concoction of acne preventive facial formulas is that you reduce your exposure to preservatives that are present in the ingredients of many acne curing products. Your acne prone skin is constantly getting rid of toxins on a daily basis, and the last thing you need is to add more toxins to your skin in the form of preservative-based ingredients. - 17269

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