Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, February 9, 2009

Is the No Nonsense Muscle Building Program Right for You?

By Caitlin Ryan

So many choices, so little time! There are so many muscle-building programs on the internet today that choosing one can be very confusing. In deciding whether one is right for you, you have to keep in mind three factors.

A professional who has experience and knowledge in the muscle-building arena should develop the muscle-building program. As well, the muscle-building program should use proven techniques. As well, make sure that the program is capable of helping you achieve your goals and in a way that works for you life. If you merely want toned muscles and have a hectic schedule, you do not want to pick a program that is solely designed for training competitive athletes.

Vince Delmonte is behind this no nonsense muscle-building program. As a proven natural body builder and trainer to hundreds of people, he is very knowledgeable and experienced in the bodybuilding arena. With a 10% body fat, it is hard to argue his methods.

Co-author, Shannon Clark, is also a fitness expert as a highly recognized fitness writer and trainer. She also trains using the methods she and Vince developed and sports a very fit physique. She has a BPP in sports performance. She and Vince both help people transform bony bodies AND flabby bodies into gorgeous, sleek, toned perfection.

A key and proven element in bodybuilding is to use progressive overload. When you use this method as outlined in this no nonsense muscle-building program, you increase the amount of weight continuously in lifting. As Vince explains, this is necessary to challenge your muscles and build the muscle mass. This is the only way to achieve that cut, chiseled look OR the sensual curves that many women desire.

Another important aspect of this muscle-building program is the emphasis on muscle recovery between both sets and workouts. Without resting your muscles adequately between sets, you end up producing long, skinny endurance muscles. Without resting your muscles between workouts with adequate sleep and proper nutrition, you risk injury, which of course is detrimental to your training.

There is also a big emphasis in Vince's muscle building program to use proper nutrition and adequate training rather than supplements to meet your training goals. No powder, pill or liquid can replace nutrition and proper training.

The no nonsense muscle building program is designed for the beginner as well as the avid, competitive trainer. You can use the program merely to decrease your body fat and tone your lean muscle mass or to build enough muscle mass for competition. This muscle-building program is efficient which means you will end up spending less time in the gym then you would with other training programs to achieve the same results.

Motivation is important in the physical fitness arena, and Vince and Shannon have certainly provided some very good motivational tools. They also go over the importance of clean eating and give you clever advice on how you can achieve proper nutrition.

You will be shocked to find out the myths of the fitness industry as Vince and Shannon let you in on the secrets that the fitness industry would rather you did not know. - 17269

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