Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, February 16, 2009

Six-Pack Abs Just from Your Pantry With Only Four Simple Steps

By Rob Molloy

If I were to say to you that you can get six-pack abs straight from your kitchen in four steps, the chances are you'd think I was joking. When I first heard this I also had my doubts but if you think about it, it's absolutely true. After all, you can work out as much as you like and exercise as often as you wish in order to get a rock hard six-pack, but if it's hidden behind belly fat, you won't be able to see it and neither will anyone else. The only way you're going to be able to flaunt your six-pack, is by getting rid of any belly fat you have.

Going back to that phrase, 'six pack abs are made in the kitchen', the key to getting there is going to be through diet and a lot of hard work. To get to a point where six pack abs can be seen you need to have a very low body fat percentage. Your body fat needs to be less than 10% for men and 14% for women. This isn't going to happen for many of us unless we make some serious changes in the way we eat.

So, how is it possible to get six-pack abs straight from the kitchen in 4 easy steps? Let's take a look at calories first. The most effective means of getting rid of fat is by depriving ourselves of calories. Providing your daily calorie intake is less than your body requires in its present state, you'll lose weight. For example, if your aim is to lose one pound of fat each week, then you'll need to ensure you're eating 500 calories less each day than you do presently. This is based on the fact that a pound of fat contains more or less 3500 calories. Also, the more exercise you do, the more energy your body requires and if you're not providing sufficient calories, your body will be forced into burning fat instead, in order to meet the demand for energy.

Here are 4 things that you can do in the kitchen to put you in that calories deficit and make it more likely for you to have your six pack abs revealed.

1. Carbohydrates are a source of fuel for the human body. Likewise, your body will always use the carbs you're providing it with before turning to its fat reserves so the less carbs you provide your body with; the sooner it will start burning fat. The disadvantage of this method though, is that for those trying to build muscle; carbs are a very important and much needed source of energy. However, if your goal is to lose weight, then cutting back on carbs is highly effective.

2. Perhaps one of the most common problems people face when they go on diet, is that they tend to lose muscle as well as fat. Essentially this is because while on a diet, one is most often depriving one's body of much needed fuel. The best way to counter this negative result of carb deprivation is by including a lot of protein in your diet. Of course, as I've mentioned earlier, you need to remember that calorie intake must however still be kept at a level which is less than your body requires, which in essence means that you need to eat less than what your body needs. Under normal circumstances, those who are trying to increase muscle mass would need to ensure that approximately twenty to thirty percent of their diet consists of protein. On the other hand, if you're cutting back on carbs as part of your diet, then you should increase your protein content to about forty percent.

3. Cut back on bad fat and eat more good fat. Of course you need to be cutting the bad fat out as much as possible but you don't need to be cutting out all fats. Bad fats are the saturated and trans fatty kinds which can be used for energy and your body tends to store. The good kinds of fat are monounsaturated fats which aren't stored by your body, aren't used as energy, but are great at increasing your metabolism. Increased metabolism means helps bring about fat loss making it easier for you to see your six pack abs.

4. When one considers that the human body is 70% water, it stands to reason that it requires lots of water in order to remain healthy. Of course, everyone should drink plenty of water as it helps to clean the body and if you're on diet, then you need to also understand that your body will store water for later use if you are not drinking enough in the first place. Of course having water stored is certainly not something you want when you're trying to make that six-pack show through. Another benefit of drinking lots of water when on diet is that it makes you feel full as well. - 17269

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