Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Acid Reflux (Heartburn) - Important Facts

By Nick Barlow

Acid Reflux and Heartburn are actually the same thing, a fact that many sufferers aren't aware of. When you see a commercial or hear an advertisement referring to Acid Reflux, don't be confused - many doctors and medical professionals will refer to it this way as well.

The term acid reflux is used more frequently by medical professionals when discussing this common problem. Many people suffer from acid reflux from time to time, but others suffer constantly from this condition. Those people who suffer from acid reflux more often should definitely bring this to the attention of their physician.

Sometimes people will become alerted or panic when they feel acute symptoms that can fool you into believing you are having a heart attack. Acid reflux is a burning sensation or a pressure (that can be painful) in chest, often very close to the heart

The pain can be very intense for some people until they find some relief. This condition is caused by acid coming from the stomach into the esophagus. The acid from the stomach enters the lower end of the esophagus. The stomach is designed to cope with the acid, but the esophagus is not designed to cope with the acid.

Acid Reflux Can Be Solved

Numbers of individuals suffer the effects of acid reflux periodically, and these individuals can easily find some medications at the local drugstore to cut down the suffering from the condition. Those people who endure often from this condition could have a serious problem that should be treated by expert medical professionals.

These people will probably be advised to undergo some medical testing to determine the exact nature of the problem. There are specialized tests that can clearly indicate the problem for many people.

Once the doctor has complete information on the state of the esophagus and stomach, the doctor can prescribe treatment to avoid the distressing effects of this condition.

Some people have achieved positive results by making changes to their diet. Eating fewer spicy foods or creamy, rich foods (or eliminating them completely) have been reported to improve symptoms

For some, this is all they have to do to take care of their acid reflux. However, other sufferers will need drugs or medications to keep acids from the stomach from damaging their esophagus further. Additional changes to your sleeping habits may also help relieve damage caused by acids escaping the stomach. The head of the bed should be raised a bit so that acids have a harder time escaping the stomach into the esophagus.

If none of these home remedies eliminates the symptoms of acid reflux, a person should consult their physician and discuss the possibility of surgery. - 17269

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