Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Boosting Your Immune System, with Tea

By Christoph O Conner

Throughout history many cultures have used tea as way to stay healthy and disease free. Drinking tea is a great way to boos your immmune system and fight off disease. Tea is not just a drink anymore.

Green tea, for example, is rich in EGCG which is a very powerful antioxidant. Green tea has been known to fight cancer, lower cholesterol and greatly repair a persons immune system.

How tea is processed plays a great role in the amount of immunity it offers. Green tea is considered the best for your immune system in that it is made with the least amount of processing. Therefore the less processed the tea is the more health benefits it offers.

Human trials have been conducted showing that tea contains an amino acid called L-thanine. This particular ammino acid is known for its disease fighting abilities and also boosts the immune system. This evidence has helped tun the opinion of many skeptics around.

Tea is great for the immune system but also plays a strong role in helping with many other ailments. Tea helps keep our digestive tract in order and kills of bad cells that cause cancer. Not only is tea rich in antioxidants but it also helps keep our teeth strong.

Unlike most beverages such as sodas, tea is low in calories. Tea is a healthy drink that boosts your immune system. It is recommended that person drink about two to four cups of tea a day. This way you can get the most benefits out fo the tea. Tea also contains a high level of anit-bacterial proteins which is found in high levels in people who drink tea.

Drinking tea on a regular basis helps boost your immune system and fight off many diseases. It is good idea to incorporate tea in yoru daily routine in that it can only do you good. Tea will help in improving your health and keeping you free of many diseases and ailments. - 17269

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