Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, March 20, 2009

Does a muscle building program really need supplements?

By Jon Cardozo

I really hate to disappoint you, but weightlifting supplements are no shortcut to success. You probably already knew this deep down inside, but you may have spent a bunch of money when purchasing these kind of supplements. If so, you have probably been quite disappointed and have already learned this lesson.

Muscle building supplements are not necessary and are often completely useless. Even protein shakes, although helpful and convenient, are not mandatory. You really can get all of your calories and protein from your diet. Protein drinks are convenient, but there's nothing really magical about them.

If you've spent any time shopping for supplements, you have probably been amazed at some of the prices. You'll see stacks of protein bars and tubs of who knows what selling at a premium. The supplements look so convincing, with their pictures of huge bodybuilders guaranteeing your success.

I once heard a well known trainer explain that supplements are mostly useless for building muscle.

Vince Delmonte tells us that adding supplements to our muscle building program may only give us a 10% boost, and this number assumes that we have already maximized our strength training and nutrition. He says that in most cases supplements will only give us a 1 or 2% difference, which is probably not enough to make you notice!

Forget what bodybuilding magazines try to tell you. You'll do far better by improving your training and diet (or even just getting more sleep) than you would by listening to the advertisements from supplement companies.

The bottom line is that everyone can achieve massive muscle growth by adhering to the basic principles of progressive resistance training and increasing caloric intake. In other words, lift more, and eat more. Repeat until you achieve the desired results. You don't need to consider questionable steroid alternatives, or even more reliable substances such as creatine, until you have practiced basic principles and achieved as much success as you can.

Once you have maximized your progress, you might consider a few helpful supplements to give you a slight boost in your performance. However, be honest with yourself. Most trainees can do a lot more to improve the results without even taking a single supplement. - 17269

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