Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Revealed Acai Berry Health Secrets

By Carter Sinclair

Even without our current advances in medical science many Amazonians are living healthier and longer last lives than us. They do so because of their Acai berry diet. They have been consuming this fruit as much as 50% of their daily intake to benefit from its great health benefits.

Many athletes around the world are benefiting from the awesome performance enhancement of acai berry. It gives you all the energy you would find in a caffeinated drink without the side effects. It has helped Brazilian surfers take over the competition and use the Acai fruit as a secret weapon.

Acai can also help improve your eyesight. It contains anthocyanins, which is an antioxidant that has been known to help improve vision. It is especially helpful in strengthening your night vision.

In the war against cancer a very exciting breakthrough has happened. Researchers at the University of Florida discovered that Acai berry causes leukemia cells to self destruct. The research is very new but has a very promising future.

Acai has been proven to slow the aging process and give your body a giant boost to its immune system. On the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC, Acai has the highest antioxidant count in foods. This is what fights off harmful free radicals that cause aging and immune system problems.

If your not a fan of eating fish to get your essential fatty acids or Omega fatty acids you can enjoy Acai. It contains all the Omega fatty acids you need to help improve your mood, improve brain functioning, and reduce cholesterol.

Acai is a great tasting fruit juice. It tastes like a snack rather than a health food, and can make an excellent post workout or morning smoothie. - 17269

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