Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Slimming Affect of the Recession - Wrong!

By Alex Strength

Many people are feeling the pinch of the recession. Those that arent are hunkering down expecting the current lull to last a very long time. The fact is that there are just so many things to worry about now that sometimes people forget that their health is still something that they should be wary off. There is no point in worrying about you finances, childrens education etc while neglecting something as basic as your own health.

A recent article in a popular weight loss magazine states that the American society is the most obese in the world and has some of the highest rates of heart disease that can be directly attributed to being obese. This is even before the public knew of the pending recession. Strangely enough, with the looming recession and people cutting back on their spending for food, initial reports have indicated that even more people are graduating to the obese category and more people are suffering from heart disease. This is in sharp contrast to what normally happens to less developed nations. When suffering from financial distress they normally would suffer from malnutrition and instead start losing weight.

The main reason for this is the pricing of foods in the U.S is quite different to the normal pricing structure of foods in less developed countries. Foods that contain protein and fats are actually priced cheaper than greens and common vegetables. In most farming societies and third world countries vegetables and normal carbohydrate foods are much cheaper than proteins from animals. The U.S imbalance of food pricing has stemmed from the industrial farming practices over the many years of access that has led to great savings from the scale increases in farming over the years. Demand for animal protein was so great that somewhere in the 1970s the price of meats became cheaper than the price of vegetables and common stables like bread and potatoes.

It is this imbalance of nutrients that has made Americans obese over the years. The affects of this imbalance are even worst in these recessionary times as people are forced to consume foods that are cheaper. Those in financial distress will opt for off-cuts of meat which are extremely fatty and unhealthy. Vegetables, especially fresh ones are quite a bit more expensive compared to meats thus the distressed will rely on meats and carbohydrate diets that are extremely bad for them in the attempt to save money.

This is made even worst with the abundance of fast food restaurants and diners which offer foods at very cheap prices. Although suitably cheap for those in distress the long term affects of eating foods like these are a very sharp deterioration of health and a much higher incidence of heart disease. In addition to the over abundance of animal fats and proteins in their diet they also suffer from a lack of important fresh green vegetables which can provide very important nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants.

Even if you are in a tight bind financially, there is no reason to not eat properly. You should still try to find the leaner cuts of meat along with the appropriate quantity of vegetables for your diet. To get cheaper greens, you should visit farmer markets in the early mornings to get the freshest reasonably priced vegetables, supermarkets just cant offer the price and quality that that they can. You should also look for your meats in smaller butchers who might not be able to get you the best prices but can certainly offer leaner cuts of meats which werent able to be sold before their freshest before date.

The main idea when choosing a healthy diet on a budget is to shop carefully and know where to get your produce. Never cut corners by going to fast food outlets regularly and never go to the supermarket hoping to get nutritious foods at bargain basement prices. The worst thing you can do is to turn to canned foods which are even worst for you health. You will just have to spend that little bit more time in searching for the best deals that you can cook yourself in order to maintain your familys health. - 17269

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